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Jul 23 2022

Masks Back Despite Biden’s Covid

Despite explicitly promising us that the vaccine would prevent us from getting Covid, quadruple-vaxxed Joe Biden has Covid himself, just like quadruple-vaxxed Tony Fauci has twice. Both belong to the group at most serious risk of dying from Covid; Biden is 79 and Fauci is 81. Both are still with us, further discrediting the hysterical overreaction that enabled Covid tyranny. Yet even now, well over 2 years into “15 days to slow the spread,” degrading and unhygienic mask mandates are starting up again.

Paul Joseph Watson has had enough:

Only one thing can make Covid go away: a critical mass of gullible fools taking the imaginary climate crisis seriously enough that they will submit to the level of oppression that has been imposed in the name of Covid. That’s when our rulers will drop Covid and put their entire emphasis on global warming hysteria.

Public resistance in the Netherlands and Sri Lanka has been a setback in this regard.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Eddie_Valiant.


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One Response to “Masks Back Despite Biden’s Covid”

  1. […] Moonbattery covers masking being back […]


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