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Feb 10 2023

Media Ignores Biggest Story in Years

If the world blows up but the liberal media refuses to report it, does it make a sound? The Project Veritas Pfizer videos (see here, here, and here) have already been eclipsed as the biggest story in years. It appears probable that the Biden Administration committed an act of war against the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal by sabotaging the Nord Stream pipelines. Both stories have been ignored by the liberal media establishment, consigning it to irrelevance.

Mike Lee highlights the significance for anyone who thinks it can’t be the end of the world if the legacy media isn’t reporting it:

Combined with Seymour Hersh’s reporting, this is virtually a smoking gun:

Biden’s psychotically smug expression at the conclusion of that clip may come to be remembered as the Smirk That Launched a Thousand Warheads — provided there is anyone left to remember it.

The best way to avoid war at this point may be to promptly remove Biden from office on grounds of conspicuous incompetence and then subject him to an international trial.

At least we have confirmation that the alleged “climate crisis” that the Regime has been inflating our money toward worthlessness to confront is a fiction. Otherwise, Biden would not have deliberately caused up to 400,000 tons of methane to leak into the atmosphere.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Barry A.


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