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May 06 2021

Mikayla Miller: Probable Fabricated Lynching

Mikayla Miller, age 16, was found dead last April 18 in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, apparently of suicide. Authorities originally stated that the death was not suspicious. However, because she scored an intersectional twofer by being both black and “a member of the LGBTQIA community,” authorities are now dutifully searching for some indication that she was lynched, which would be of enormous propaganda value to leftists.

The mob has seized on reports that she was in a tiff with her girlfriend and other teens the night before her body was found. At last word, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan had found no evidence that the altercation had anything to do with race, much less that she had been murdered. The teens were of “a variety of races” according to Ryan, who reveals that “cellphone data and other digital evidence” confirm that these teens were not present where the body was found.

But as we know from the immolation of Derek Chauvin, facts are irrelevant unless they support The Narrative.

Given the climate the liberal establishment has created by backing Black Lives Matter, hyping her death as a racist/homophobic lynching could easily result in violence. Big League Politics is right to be enraged:

Leftist conspiracy theorists have used this tragedy to cause further division. They are posting blatantly fake news permitted by Twitter about the incident to whip more Black Lives Matter terrorists into frenzies of racial hatred.

The same Twitter that censored the President of the USA for political reasons, and censored the New York Post for reporting a bombshell story that might have stopped Biden, allows tweets like these:

Maybe Mikayla Miller really was murdered, unlikely as it seems. But in the absence of evidence, exploiting her death to incite the mob constitutes a hate hoax.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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