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May 10 2024

Motherhood in the Age of Moonbattery

Depravity is not merely a characteristic or consequence of moonbattery; it is its essence. The more wholesome something is, the more urgently moonbats feel compelled to corrupt and defile it. Consider motherhood:

Welcome to the wonderful world of wokeness, little guy! Too bad if you were expecting a mom. Don’t worry, we will purge you of the old-fashioned bigoted notions hardwired into every mammal that ever lived.

To compound the malicious parody, they pushed the pseudomom around in a wheelchair, as if he really had given birth.

At least farces like this provide job opportunities for those with degrees in gender studies who don’t manage to find more lucrative employment in government agencies. They can become queer doulas:

Doulas are nonmedical care workers who assist people throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum processes by providing education, emotional, physical, and logistical support, as well as advocacy within medical settings. … Doulas differ from midwives in that they do not necessarily have medical training and generally work outside of the medical system.

Here’s why our brave new world needs queer doulas:

In addition to dealing with health care providers that often lack expertise on trans health care, transgender and gender-nonconforming birthing people have reported feelings of loneliness and of their experiences of parenting being erased within a health care system built on a binary understanding of gender, anatomy, and parenthood.

Queer doulas protect preferred identity groups from the allegedly bigoted healthcare system:

Annie Rosenblum, a white queer full-spectrum doula and abortion worker living in Gainesville, Florida, was driving a client to deliver their baby at a local hospital known for its high maternal and infant mortality rates, particularly among Black and brown patients. Rosenblum remembers their client, who is Black and queer, turning to them in the car and saying, “Don’t let them kill me.”

How terrifying the world must seem to identity group box-checkers who take liberal propaganda seriously.

Doulas serve as advocates, slowing down doctors and nurses when necessary and checking in with clients to make sure they’re okay with what’s happening.

No doubt trained medical professionals appreciate the assistance as they attempt to go about their jobs.

Coverage for doula care is expanding under Medicaid…

Get to work, taxpayers. Someone has to pay for this.

On a tip from Mike B.


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