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Sep 02 2021

NYC’s Tiffany Cabán Wants to Inflict “Restorative Justice”

When liberal rule makes the inversion of justice complete, Big Government will force victims of crime to help their assailants — as may soon be the case in New York:

The radical “public safety” plan put forward by socialist candidate Tiffany Cabán, who’s a shoo-in for a Queens City Council seat in November’s election, would essentially re-victimize the victims of violent crimes in the name of “restorative justice.”

Cabán has already won the Democrat primary, which in single-party New York generally means it’s over.

When it is up to moonbats, we won’t need police and prisons, just lots of social workers to oversee criminals and their victims holding hands and singing Kumbaya.

“Example of Use: A person is beat up, suffers a broken rib, and is robbed of his wallet. First, his needs are heard and affirmed, and he works with trained staff to develop a services and healing plan,” Cabán’s proposal reads.

“Then, when he is ready, he participates in restorative justice circles with the person who harmed him and their respective support systems. He asks questions and gets answers, and they develop an accountability and consequences plan.”

If only “accountability and consequences” meant stiff prison sentences. But that’s not what leftists have in mind by “restorative justice.”

The exploding crime crisis in places like New York is the direct result of Black Lives Matter moonbattery. Characteristically, liberals intend to make matters worse by addressing the crisis they caused with more moonbattery.

There are plenty more where AOC came from.

On tips from Sean C and Jack D.


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