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Jul 03 2024

Jake Tapper Compares Democratic Party to Ingsoc

Maybe change really is in the air at CNN. It was just a joke about Michelle Obama’s gender reveal, but Jake Tapper quoting 1984 in the context of Democrat tactics is more surprising and for real:

Tapper called out the Democratic Party for engaging in a “discernible pattern” of lying to the public. He argued that party officials want Americans “to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night.”

Tapper correctly pointed out that this Orwell quote applies to their attempts to deny Biden’s senility even in the aftermath of his debate performance:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Before long, Tapper and his audience will figure out that this applies just as well to everything Democrats demand we believe, from trans men being women to privileged identity groups being oppressed to their spending being sustainable to hurricanes occurring because taxes aren’t high enough.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 03 2024

Open Thread

Government cannot do everything, so we need to first decide what government ought to be doing, then figure out what it's capable of doing, and then follow the jobs we choose to completion. - Ernie Fletcher

Jul 02 2024

Michelle Obama Gender Reveal

Change is in the air. First the leftist propaganda platform CNN presided over Joe Biden’s debate implosion. Now this:

Looks like we may have found one of the “cheap fakes” the White House warned us about.

Moonbat strategist Saul Alinsky got at least one thing right. There is no defense against ridicule.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Update: No need to wish CNN political director David Chalian luck in his search for a new job. In case it wasn’t clear, this video really is fake.

Jul 02 2024

Biden Legacy Unfolds

America may never completely recover from the damage Biden and his handlers have inflicted by opening the border, exploding the national debt, and accelerating Obama’s weaponization of the Justice Department. Yet when Creepy Joe finally crawls back under his rock for good, he might be best remembered for the laughs he gave us:

Here’s how he makes us look in front of the rest of the world:

The sooner Biden is removed from office, the sooner the USA can restore its seriousness as a nation.

On tips from seaoh.

Jul 02 2024

Overwhelming Majority See Biden as Unfit

Democrats are disappointed (to put it mildly) that the Supreme Court won’t help them imprison the lead opposition figure for being a threat to democracy. Since they are defenders of democracy, they ought to listen to the voice of the people:

A new poll conducted after the first presidential debate found that nearly three-quarters of Americans say President Joe Biden shouldn’t be running in the 2024 election and doesn’t have the cognitive health to serve in the White House.

The poll must have been taken by right-wing extremists, right? No; it is from lefty CBS:

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll of 1,130 registered voters conducted between June 28-29, 2024, Thursday’s presidential debate had damaging results for President Biden.

With the help of the media, some people managed not to notice that Biden suffers not only from corruption and moonbattery but also severe dementia. Everyone has noticed it now.

An overwhelming 72% of American voters said Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president – up from 65% in the same CBS poll conducted on June 9.

Already it is barely conceivable that Joe Biden could win a fair election against someone who has held the office and performed well. He will continue to decay between now and November. Yet switching him out won’t be easy.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Anonymous, KirklesWorth, ABC of the ANC, Bluto, Jack Bauer, and Varla.

Jul 02 2024

Open Thread

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

Jul 01 2024

Pride Month Caps Off With Anarchy and Evil

Pride Month is over at last. In our largest city, it finished fittingly:

Multiple brawls and wild chaos engulfed Washington Square Park in the aftermath of New York City’s Pride Parade Sunday…

When there wasn’t violence, there was plenty of R-rated antics, including multiple women twerking on a white vehicle and one person grinding up against a light pole he climbed to the top…

Presenting American culture if liberals prevail:

TWERK ALERT — the following video is not suitable for children or those with weak stomachs:

Where do moonbats take pride parades from here? San Francisco shows the way:

More than 1,000 LGBTQ people and their allies boycotted the SF Pride Parade with an alternative march Sunday afternoon supporting Palestinians and protesting politicians and organizations they accuse of complicity with Israel during its war with Hamas.

A brass band featuring a trio of tubas announced the protesters’ presence as they marched from Duboce Triangle to the Castro, some waving Pride and Palestinian flags and wearing black and white keffiyehs.

Imagine the fun if they tried waving their pride flags in Gaza. Sturdy umbrellas would be needed to protect against homosexual moonbats flying off rooftops.

Organizers of the “No Pride in Genocide” march, whose sponsors included the Brass Liberation Orchestra and Jewish Voice for Peace, accused Pride Parade organizers of accepting sponsorship from companies, including Amazon, that are “actively involved in the genocide of the people of Gaza,” according to a release ahead of the march.

Just as not even Amazon is woke enough, not even pride parades are evil enough to suit progressives, who demand everyone bend the knee to Hamas following the October 7 terror atrocities.

On tips from Steve T, seaoh, Jack D, and R F.

Jul 01 2024

Moonbats and Muslims Riot Following French Election

Even in France, which seemed to have irrevocably succumbed to moonbattery back before the Second World War, the backlash is underway:

National Rally, according to Politico, came out of the first round with 34% of the vote — up from 18.7% in 2022 — which means that it is possible for them to win an outright majority next week.

Countermoonbat Marine Le Pen is the big winner. In contrast,

[Irritating weenie Emmanuel] Macron’s Ensemble Coalition, largely viewed as centrist, finished third in the vote count with 20% (down from 25.8% in 2022).

Hardcore leftists finished second, but the New Popular Front is…

…not likely strong enough to follow it up with a majority win next week.

The Muslim—moonbat alliance is not happy:

In the wake of the elections, left-wing protesters — reportedly an amalgam of French socialists, communists, and pro-Palestinians — descended upon Paris’ Place de la République by the thousands. Other demonstrations were reported in Strasbourg, Lyon, Nantes and Lille.

When alleged threats to democracy win elections, suddenly democracy isn’t such a hot idea anymore:

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jul 01 2024

Miami Police Clown Car

As the establishment-driven Black Lives Matter phenomenon made clear, the liberal agenda calls for marginalizing and eventually abolishing local police, allowing the lowlifes comprising the Democrat base to inflict social justice on the law-abiding with impunity.

There will always be people Democrats want imprisoned. For this, they will use more ideologically reliable federal police, which is why they are building a new FBI headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon.

At the height of the BLM riots, Democrats barked about defunding the police. But a more effective approach is to render the police ludicrous. From Miami:

Presumably the officers inside will be dressed in fright wigs, huge floppy shoes, et cetera. They will make the streets safe by squirting water at criminals from the flowers on their lapels.

There will be no law and order where police are not taken seriously.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 01 2024

World Economic Forum May Come for Oxygen

What the left-wing globalists of the World Economic Forum lack in sanity, they make up in ambition. In the name of the supposedly imperiled planet, they want to seize control of food, water, even oxygen:

During the WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists declared that natural systems are finite and must be corporatized.

During a Summer Davos panel discussion, WEF speaker Lindsay Hooper blasted members of the general public for expecting water and oxygen to be “unlimited” and “free.”

Hooper, the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership CEO, argued that food, water, and oxygen are “forms of natural capital” that global elites must put “on the balance sheet.”

Barks Hooper:

“We can’t do business on a dead planet.”

Just as troubled teens will commit suicide if you don’t cut off their genitalia, Earth will die if we don’t put Klaus Schwab types in charge of the oxygen supply.

[G]lobalists must seize control of “the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the soil, the oceans that we need for the food that we need to consume, the minerals that we need as inputs to technology and into infrastructure,” Hooper declared.

How liberals will prevent us from breathing more than our “fair share” of oxygen remains to be seen. Most likely it will start with punitive taxation.

On a tip from R F.

Jul 01 2024

From Supernova to Glastonbury in 8 Months

Last October 7, allegedly oppressed Hamas terrorists murdered 346 innocent Israelis and kidnapped dozens more at the Supernova music festival near Re’im. Anyone remember? Maybe not:

Via JNS:

One of Britain’s most prestigious music events, Glastonbury traditionally celebrates music and the arts. However, this year’s festival has sparked outrage among attendees who argue it has become a platform for divisive and antisemitic content.

Throughout the five-day event (June 26-30), PLO flags were conspicuously displayed across the festival grounds, appearing during performances. Organizers permitted a “Palestine” stall to sell badges depicting Israel being replaced entirely by the PLO flag.

Hippies copulating in the mud at Woodstock were downright wholesome by comparison with today’s moonbats.

On a tip from Steve T.

Jul 01 2024

German Bureaucrat Weeps for Imported Murderer

Regarding the escalating war on society by imported Muslim hordes, the sympathies of German authorities lie where you might expect. Consider a young man who was killed on his way home from his sister’s graduation. Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has spoken out about the alleged perpetrator, an 18-year-old Syrian, who, according to the police, killed 20-year-old Philippos T. in Bad Oeynhausen. Faeser showed sympathy for the perpetrator and did not comment on the victim or the bereaved.

The SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) is regarded as center-left.

“Today is a very bad day when we have to discuss the murder of a teenager. Where the perpetrator is a refugee who has been living in refugee accommodation for eight years. Who knows nothing else. And I believe that we need to talk much more about this form of unsuccessful social integration,” said Faeser at the SPD parliamentary group’s Municipal Conference 2024.

Actually, the killer had never lived in municipal housing according to Die Welt. But let’s not let reality interfere with The Narrative.

The victim, Phillipos Tsanis, was evidently beaten to death for being Christian. He was wearing a noticeable cross at the time.

Jul 01 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 30 2024

Nancy Pelosi Attests to Biden’s Mental Acuity

No need to panic, liberal establishment. Joe Biden is sharp as a tack. Take it from his fellow antediluvian plastic surgery recipient Nancy Pelosi:

Pelosi speaks from authority on the topic of dementia. Remember this?

Note she says it “was” a great presidency. Even Pelosi knows it is over.

Like its most prominent representatives, the Democratic Party and its neo-Marxist ideology are past their expiration date.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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