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Oct 23 2023

Palestine on the Mississippi

No need to wait for unconscionably irresponsible liberal establishmentarians like Nikki Haley to import Hamas into our country. Looks like it’s already here:

Thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, waving Palestinian colors and at least one Hamas flag as part of a leftist coalition’s “Stand with Palestine” rally. The demonstrators blockaded the intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues and Vineland Place, forcing drivers to wait through a so-called “die-in” protest of Israel’s war on Hamas terrorists.

An elderly man in a white Ford Fusion attempted to bypass the blockade. His efforts did not go unpunished. The mob swarmed and viciously attacked him.

Here’s video:

The Blaze has play by play:

At the 28-second mark, a radical can be seen grabbing the driver through the window and attempting to yank him out by the neck. The old man manages to fight off the attempt and backs up, but again finds no opening.

He gets away, but only to run into another blockade.

While he idles at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and Groveland Terrace, crazed protesters stampede toward him.

At the second intersection, anti-Israeli demonstrators, including a bandana-clad male with a Hamas flag, resume their attacks on the white car.

One demonstrator says, “He not going nowhere now!”

Where are the police? Oh that’s right, this is Minneapolis, birthplace of the Cult of George Floyd.

Alpha News reported that dispatch audio captured at least two MPD supervisors instructing officers to avoid the area and stay “out of sight” even after there were reports of the vehicle driving through the protest and possible shots fired.

Fortunately, the driver escaped a second time. Before long, events like this will end with the driver’s head impaled on a pike ISIS style.

Already, in the Islamic colony of southeastern Michigan, synagogue president Samantha Wall has been stabbed to death. Authorities are still puzzling over the motive.

If you like the current state of affairs, you will love the future, after the tsunami of Palestinian refugees hits. As pink-haired liberal fellow travelers are displaced by actual Muslims, the violence will become increasingly extreme.

On tips from Wiggins and Anonymous.


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