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Dec 21 2021

Pelosi Encounters Let’s Go Brandon

The words “Let’s go Brandon” — which defy Democrat tyranny and the gaslighting media that keeps Democrats in power — bend progressives completely out of shape.

Some liberals admit they are getting royally trolled:

“Let’s go Brandon” went viral in no small part because media outlets leapt at the chance to clutch their pearls over an f-bomb directed Biden’s way and to pontificate on the supposed deeper meaning behind the spread of the phrase.

Slate called the meme the new “right-wing rallying cry,” and NBC’s “TODAY” show referred to it as a “battle cry.” Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart compared the slogan to secret messages used by Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan. Washington Post reporters Ashley Parker and Carissa Wolf dedicated an article to exploring how “Let’s go Brandon” symbolizes a broader socioeconomic and cultural alienation among conservatives. On CNN’s “New Day,” senior political analyst John Avlon went further, calling the phrase “not patriotic.”

Leftists cannot abide grass roots resistance. It undermines their bogus narrative, according to which The People are on their side. So Let’s Go Brandon sets their hair on fire.

That’s why we need to see more of this:

That happened yesterday, deep inside the Death Star of radical leftism.

Note that shouting “USA” is also regarded as an act of defiance against Democrats. That should tell you all you need to know about their agenda.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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