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Aug 06 2024

Pelosi Proposes Creepy Joe on Mount Rushmore

Leftists want to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is a monument to American heritage. But why should they merely destroy what they can first desecrate?

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., says President Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

Pelosi, 84, described fellow octogenarian Biden as “such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president,” during an appearance on “CBS Sunday Morning.”

Pelosi came as close as Democrats do these days to compromise:

“You have Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful. I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden.”

As praise for the conspicuously awful Joe Biden, this would be too hyperbolic to pass for hyperbole. Pelosi knows that Biden was a mediocrity (not to mention a lowlife) long before he went senile years ago. Democrats openly despise America.

She may be right though about Biden being consequential. If Democrats prevail in November, he will be remembered as providing a bridge to modern Bolsheviks taking over the country and either destroying it or setting off a second Civil War.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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