Planned Parenthood Customers Encouraged to Lie
Malfeasance committed by the wing of the Democratic Party known as Planned Parenthood includes cheating taxpayers.
Andrea Abrams worked at an associated abattoir:
When she started working at the facility, abortions were only paid for by Medicaid when there was something wrong with the baby, when the pregnancy resulted from rape, or when the abortion was done for reasons of health.
Abrams says that when a poor woman came in, “a counselor filled in a form stating that the abortion was necessary to the woman’s mental health in order to obtain coverage for medical assistance.”
Then the Medicaid policy changed so that babies could only be killed on the taxpayer’s dime when the mother’s life was in danger or in cases of rape. There was no reporting requirement, so:
Workers subtly coached women to lie about being raped so their abortions would be covered.
The more women lie about rape, the less seriously those will be taken who really have been raped. But despite its feminist rhetoric, Planned Parenthood is not concerned with the best interests of women. Half of the children it kills would have grown up to be women.
What do you expect from an organization that tears limbs off living babies so as to technically comply with laws against partial birth abortion and then harvests their organs for sale?
On a tip from ABC of the ANC.
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