Professor Eric Stewart Appears to Be Race Fraud
Not all of the racial fraud in academia relates to phonies claiming privilege by pretending not to be white. Florida State University Associate Professor and 2005 W.E.B. Du Bois Fellow Eric Stewart looks black enough. Yet he appears to be a race fraud:
The Florida Standard reports that Eric Stewart, a fellow of the American Society of Criminology, has had six studies retracted in recent years, after being accused of falsifying data first in 2019 by a professor named Justin Pickett from the University of Albany.
Stewart’s focus has been on racial data and research. That’s where the grant money is.
Pickett says he asked that a study he was involved with be retracted because the data was altered to the point of mathematical impossibility.
The study reported that as populations of black and Hispanic Americans grew, the public desire for discriminatory sentences also grew. However, Pickett later noticed that the sample size of the study somehow grew from 500 to over 1,000 and the number of counties polled dropped from 326 to 91.
Sometimes you have to cook the numbers so they come out politically correctly. That’s how we know math is racist.
Stewart responded by squealing that Pickett “essentially lynched me.”
Pickett told the Florida Standard that there is a “huge monetary incentive to falsify data and there’s no accountability. If you do this, the probability you’ll get caught is so, so low.”
Even so, academics have not been able to fabricate a factual framework for Critical Race Theory to rest upon that passes the laugh test. But at least they are trying. That proves they are good people, not lynchers like Pickett.
On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.
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