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Oct 14 2024

Regular Americans vs. Degenerate Authoritarian Elite

Republicans and Democrats represent two groups that are increasingly antithetical: regular Americans and a degenerate, authoritarian ruling class. A recent Rasmussen survey highlights the widening divide.

Via Daily Signal:

According to the report, “members of the Elite 1% have very favorable opinions of university professors, lawyers, union leaders, journalists, and members of Congress.”

This tends not to be true of the “Main Street Americans” against whom the survey contrasts elitists.

The most conspicuous characteristic of our moonbat ruling class is degeneracy. This is showcased by aggressive Democrat support for the LGBT agenda. In addition to a higher percentage of elitists believing men should be allowed to participate in women’s sports,

The elites are also far more likely to announce their pronouns when introducing themselves.

Passing from the ludicrous to the alarming, elitists oppose free speech:

Voters, by a 59% to 34% margin, believe that letting the government decide what counts as misinformation is more dangerous than the disinformation itself. Among the Elite 1%, the numbers are reversed: by a 57% to 39% margin, they see letting the government decide as the lesser problem.

Elitists don’t like the Second Amendment any better than the First:

The research found that 77% of the elites polled want to ban the private ownership of firearms.

There will be civil war if these people consolidate power much further. Either that or America just dies.

Next month’s election will be key. The elitists could win for two reasons: (1) they control the media and (2) they control the system and are willing to cheat:

“If their campaign team thought they could get away with cheating to win, 7% of voters would want their team to cheat,” the polling found. “Among the Elite 1%, the support for cheating rose to 35%. And, among the Politically Active Elites, 69% would want their team to cheat, rather than accept voters’ decisions.”

Shockingly yet unsurprisingly,

The report found that “two-thirds (65%) of the Elite 1%—and 82% of Politically Active Elites—think most voters agree with them on important issues. As has been documented throughout this report, that is far from an accurate assessment.”

All normal people embrace degenerate left-wing authoritarianism. Those who don’t are “extremists” whose opinions don’t count. Ask any elitist moonbat.

Brace yourself for a major collision ahead.


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3 Responses to “Regular Americans vs. Degenerate Authoritarian Elite”

  1. […] a recent Rasmussen survey indicates, our moonbat ruling class opposes free speech. They castigate facts and opinions that do not align […]

  2. […] candidate as conspicuously awful as Kamala Harris, representing a degenerate ruling class antithetical to the American people, is not likely to win a fair election against a successful former president, no matter how heavy a […]


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