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Aug 14 2024

Scamala Campaign Rewrites Headlines on Google

The mainstream media is gaslighting hard, but not hard enough to convince any but the most gullible that it would be reasonable to make Kamala Harris President of the United States. So her campaign turns up the gas:

[The Harris campaign] is stockpiling ads on Google to create the appearance that straight news reports are actually endorsements of her campaign, multiple sources reported Tuesday.

Axios’ Sara Fischer reported that the Harris-Walz team “has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side.”

They really are on her side. But it could never be aggressively enough.

Fischer noted that while Harris’ actions are not unprecedented nor in violation of Google’s policies, her “ads mimic real news results from Search closely enough that they have news outlets caught off guard.”

According to Google itself, the Trump campaign is not doing this. Yet we are told by liberals that countermoonbats are the ones engaging in disinformation.

Scamala is not only DEI incarnate, but phoniness incarnate.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.


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