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Aug 16 2021

Schoolkids Subjected to Vulgar Pro-Mask Propaganda Video

If this doesn’t persuade you to get your kids out of government schools, nothing will. From the Gibson Elementary School in Corpus Christi, Texas:

Parents said their kids told them it was an art teacher who shared a video containing vulgar language about wearing a mask. The song is to the tune of Beauty and the Beast’s “Be Our Guest” and contains lyrics like “Try not to be so grouchy. Put your faith in Fauci.”

The video is pure propaganda, hyping Covid hysteria, praising mindless obedience to the authorities, and sneering at anyone who questions them.

The song contains the lyrics, “Your ignorance is showing as the death toll keeps on growing,” which [Parent Robin] Shover said is psychological and emotional abuse of children and said it promotes bullying students that don’t wear masks.

If mask maniacs were concerned about children, they would not want to impose masks on them, as there is no evidence that the masks benefit their health, and plenty of evidence that they do not.

As has been noted, Covid control is about control, not Covid. Brainwashing children to be terrified of phantom menaces (Covid is rarely a serious illness for children), to obliterate their individuality by hiding their faces, and to subordinate their own well-being to what authorities say is the good of the collective will shape them into perfect little Democrats.

Here are the lyrics:

Wear… a… mask. Wear a mask. Is this really much to ask?

Tie some fabric ’round your face. Oh, it’s the simplest of tasks!

At the gym, at the store… Don’t treat it like such a chore!

No, these mandates aren’t malicious. All your theories are fictitious!

Stop the lies, stop the fights. No one’s taking away your rights!

All this speculation makes me need a flask.

Come on and read some data. All you mask debaters, wear a mask.

Wear a mask! Wear a mask!

It’s a mask! It’s a mask!

Heaven’s sake, it’s just a mask.

Such a shame that asking folks to follow rules gets you harassed.

You can shout. You can glare. But, listen, Karen, I don’t care.

Never seen folks so dramatic over a f***g piece of fabric!

“Hard to breathe!” “Feels too hot!”

Quit your bitchin’. There’s a thought! Suck it up! And don’t you give me any sass!

We’ve got a lot to do… And it’s not “just the flu,” so wear a mask.

Wear a mask! Wear a mask! Get your head out of your ass!

Try to think of someone other than yourself. It’s all we ask!

While you sit watching Fox, ignoring science and the docs…

Wow! Your ignorance is showing as the death toll keeps on growing…

Case by case… Test by test… Don’t forget… You’re not oppressed!!!

‘Til we put this damn pandemic in the past…

Try not to be so grouchy. Have some faith in Fauci! Wear a mask! Wear a mask!

Wash your hands, and wear a MASK!!!!!!!!!!!

The video:

On tips from Wiggins and VannaLee73.


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