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Jan 10 2021

Souvenirs as Cultural Appropriation

Never mind the USA’s impending collapse into single-party leftist tyranny, we have more pressing concerns. Travelers have been committing cultural appropriation by bringing back souvenirs from abroad.

Condé Nast Traveler sounds the alarm:

For the ethical traveler, cultural appropriation can, and should be, a weighing concern. … [M]ost people know […] that a traditional-garment-as-Halloween-costume is never okay. But when it comes to the items we buy while traveling, things tend to get hazier. …

What is the onus on travelers to ensure their purchases aren’t problematic?

“Problematic” is a Newspeak term used to designate thoughtcrime.

Instead of a clear answer to the question, the article offers gobbledygook about what mitigates or exacerbates the sin of cultural appropriation.

Nasozi Kakembo, who sells items made in Africa, says that telling people about the cultural history of the object in question “is a very critical antidote to appropriation.”

Amy Yeung, whose company sells “Native-made” merchandise, warns against compounding the crime by participating in capitalism:

“If it’s somebody non-Native selling a Native item, I think there’s definitely a capitalistic idea behind that.”

As any politically acceptable businessperson can tell you, capitalism is bad.

In general,

Anyone looking for clear cut rules on what is okay or not to buy or wear, based on who they are and where they are, won’t find them.

The rules of political correctness must always be kept vague, so that they can be changed retroactively at any time, and so that everyone must live in constant dread of violating them.

This silly crap would be hilarious, except that people who want the underlying ideology to be imposed on an authoritarian basis have been achieving the leverage to do so. Nothing is too absurd for the nightmarish future that has begun to unfold — not even Chinese Cultural Revolution style door-to-door checks for “racist” foreign knickknacks.

On a tip from Steve T.


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  1. […] Moonbattery discusses souvenirs as cultural appropriation […]

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