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May 19 2023

State Department Pronoun Problems

It is not entirely accurate to refer to Critical Race Theory as our official state religion under Democrat rule. The official religion is moonbattery, a towering edifice of corrosive insanity that stands on three pillars: CRT, the global warming hoax, and LGBTism. That kneeling in the church of the latter is mandatory in the federal government has been confirmed by the State Department:

At the conclusion of [State Department deputy spokesmoonbat Vedant] Patel’s Thursday briefing, Associated Press reporter Matt Lee, who covers the State Department, asked Patel to address the new internal pronoun policy which reportedly mandates all employees to include their pronouns in the ‘from’ field on all agency emails. …

“This is not something that anybody has a choice about,” he continued, “and so I’m wondering why and who made this decision.”

No relevant information could be pried from Patel.

Pronoun policy has been implemented incompetently, as with everything else Democrats inflict:

“I’d like to know why this would not be an optional thing… the problem is that a lot of them, or at least some of them so far, as I’ve been able to tell, are wrong. They’re giving the wrong pronouns. So men are being identified as women and women as men… and this has nothing to do with whatever transgender or anything like that… but it’s ridiculous,” Lee said.

Patel confirmed that the circus act comprising the federal government is ridiculous by preaching about the right to dictate that other people refer to you with alternative pronouns.

Later, another Foggy Bottom spokesweenie blamed the farce on Microsoft, “claiming that the department’s Outlook server involuntarily added gender pronouns to employee emails.”

Pronouns are very important to our State Department:

This is how Antony Blinken and his minions occupy their time as the global situation spirals out of control and communist China replaces the USA as world hegemon.

The pronoun nonsense serves a single purpose: to signal obeisance to the cult of LGBTism. If we were ruled by Muslims instead of degenerates, the phrase “Allahu Akbar” would be mandated on emails rather than pronouns.

On a tip from Franco.


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