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Category: Global Warming Hoax

Jan 19 2025

Climate Kooks Come After Anesthesia

The weather gods worshiped by moonbats are not kind deities. They want us in pain. So their legislative priests have declared anesthesia offensive to the climate.

Jason Rantz reports from Washington State:

Senate Bill 5236 orders the Department of Ecology to commission a study of anesthetic gases, including desflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, halothane and nitrous oxide because they are recognized as potent greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. The study must determine the extent to which the gases are used in Washington, provide an estimate of the emissions from anesthesia, and recommend measures to either reduce or completely eliminate emissions from these gases.

The contribution of anesthetics to supposedly deleterious greenhouse gas emissions is negligible.

Even if you completely banned anesthesia in Washington, giving a wooden stick or leather strap to bite on during surgery or downing shots of moonshine while having wisdom teeth removed, there would be no impact on climate change.

On the other hand, forcing people to suffer on behalf of their ideology fills Democrats with a euphoric sense of power. That’s why they go out of their way to make our lives less pleasant.

Imagine a whole party of ideologues so deranged as to believe that using anesthesia to alleviate pain during medical procedures should be restricted on behalf of the weather. Then imagine how bad things are likely to get with these malevolent lunatics in control.

On tips from DCGere and Straight Shootr.

Jan 09 2025

James Woods Loses Home, Keith Olbermann Gloats

As might be expected, esteemed countermoonbat James Woods is taking it hard that the Los Angeles inferno burned down his home:

The actor, 77, became emotional as he shared how his wife’s niece offered to help after their home was destroyed by the fires that have decimated at least 1,000 structures and left two dead.

Woods said his wife’s eight-year-old niece ‘came out with her little piggy bank for us to rebuild our house.’

‘I’m sorry, it’s just one day you’re in the pool and the next its all gone,’ Woods added as he teared up.

Kudos to Woods for rescuing his neighbor with dementia.

Here he is on CNN:

At least Woods can take solace that the tragedy provided joy to former MSNBC front man Keith Olbermann:

Responding to Angela Belcamino, who plays the inverse character of Nick Adams (Alpha Male) on X, Olbermann blamed liberals for showing compassion for the conservative pro-Trump actor as the reason Donald Trump won the election.

“I’m not a fan of James Woods at all but being happy his house burnt down isn’t the answer,” Belcamino said above a post calling the burning of Woods’ home “karma.”

An incensed Olbermann responded, “This is the attitude that lost the election. They will not compromise they will not convert they will not be human. They must be defeated – and any chance to bruise or batter them psychologically must be exploited.”

Olbermann isn’t the only one to gloat. Actual headline from Escapist Magazine:

James Woods, Climate Change Denier, Cries Live On CNN After Losing House To California Wildfires

The piece suggests that Woods deserved for his home to burn down for not pretending that Big Government could prevent wildfires through socialism. It features tweets from other lefties gloating along with Keith Olbermann. For example:

Moonbats have used the word “karma” regarding an accused climate denier’s house burning down. They seem not to understand that — this being Los Angeles — most of the lost homes belong to liberals, some of whom might even bob their heads in agreement as communist watermelon Bernie Sanders exploits the fires in an attempt to prop up the global warming hoax:

On tips from ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and Varla.

Dec 28 2024

Scientific American Jumps Another Shark

There are left-wing publications, there are goofy-left publications, then — out there in the farthest reaches of the moonbat fever swamps — there is Scientific American.

SciAm made a good case for Trump with its out-of-touch endorsement of Kamala Harris. Otherwise, it would be hard to find much use for a supposedly science-oriented publication that issues absurd Newspeak Dictionary updates, gins up hysteria over the weather, informs us that we like climate radicalism, hypes drag queens, racializes NFL injuries, equates failing to subject children to sex change procedures to Nazism, and even proclaims that sex organs are merely a social construct.

It will take more than dumping hebephrenically liberal Editor-in-Chief Laura Helmuth to restore credibility after this:

If beneficial CO2 emissions can create their imaginary climate catastrophe, why can’t feminist ideology cure it?

The apparent objective is to push moonbattery to the last extreme of absurdity. So don’t expect any scientific rigor or even basic logic:

As water, fuel and nutritious food are harder to come by and the health care needs of family members increase, women and girls have to spend more time on unpaid care work.


We need to move away from economies based on extraction and pollution, towards ones that are based on regeneration and care for one another and for the environment.

By “economies based on extraction and pollution,” they mean advanced capitalist countries like the USA. As a country to emulate, they point to miserably poor Bangladesh, where women toil wretchedly to the point of exhaustion but do so with culturally rich “traditional rural cooking methods.”

It doesn’t matter whether moonbats ride the global warming hoax, feminism, or whatever other woke hobbyhorse. In the end, moonbattery boils down to moonbattery — prominently featuring hatred of Western Civilization. Thus an article on how feminism can improve the weather features includes this:

[W]e must repair the impacts of environmental degradation—acknowledging that the Global North bears the largest share of responsibility for historical emissions—and guarantee not to repeat those harms.

For a while, liberals will keep reading Scientific American to affirm their crumbling worldview. A few countermoonbats will read it for laughs. Readership will dwindle until the oldest continuously published magazine in America is discontinued due to lack of interest. Degradation into farce followed by extinction is the fate of any institution that succumbs to moonbattery.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Dec 27 2024

New York Launches Global Warming Looting Spree

Truth will out. Despite the influence purchased by government grants, scientists acknowledge that CO2 emissions are not harmful; on the contrary, they are beneficial. Yet even as the global warming hoax unravels, insatiably greedy Democrats exploit it as a pretext to loot:

New York state will fine fossil fuel companies a total of $75 billion over the next 25 years to pay for damage caused to the climate under a bill Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law on Thursday.

Fossil fuels companies make our comfortable lives possible. Without them, we would be unable to sustain our current population; many of us would starve. In contrast, Democrats like Hochul do nothing but confiscate our money and make our lives worse. Yet the latter have the whip hand.

If this flies, it will spread:

“New York has fired a shot that will be heard round the world: The companies most responsible for the climate crisis will be held accountable,” New York Senator Liz Krueger, a Democrat who co-sponsored the bill, said in a statement.

In contrast to fair laws, this one will be imposed retroactively:

Fossil fuel companies will be fined based on the amount of greenhouse gases they released into the atmosphere between 2000 and 2018…

Vermont has already passed a similar law.

All human activity produces CO2, which according to liberal ideology is infinitely harmful because it is a threat to life on earth. So Democrats may as well cut to the chase and confiscate everything from everyone. The name for that is Marxism, which is what climate ideology has been about from the beginning.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Dec 26 2024

The Science: CO2 Is Good

According to woke ideology, the CO2 produced by all human activity is a toxin so poisonous that it threatens life on earth. Meanwhile, back in reality:

Dramatic evidence has been published in a number of recent science papers that carbon dioxide levels are already ‘saturated’, meaning little or no further warming is to be expected and rising CO2 levels are all beneficial.

Half of human emissions are being quickly pushed back into the biosphere, the scientists say, causing substantial, famine-busting plant growth, while the rest is entering a ‘saturated’ atmosphere and having a minimal effect on global temperatures. …

One simple way to understand this is to observe that doubling insulation in a loft will not trap twice as much heat. The saturation hypothesis would appear to explain how CO2 has been 10-15 times higher in the past without runaway temperatures…

Not only is CO2 not bad, it is good:

Levels of CO2 have been much higher in the past, with evidence of vibrant animal and plant life. Many plants evolved to thrive with higher levels than they feed on today, a period some scientists argue is one of CO2 denudation.

CO2 makes plants grow. Animals eat the plants, people eat the animals, and both produce more CO2, helping the plants to grow still more. You might call it the cycle of life.

This would seem to be big news. We don’t have to let leftists cripple the economy and reduce our standard of living to premodern levels for the sake of the climate after all. But moonbats have achieved such dominance in the media that findings like this go unmentioned in favor of the unscientific hysteria comprising the global warming hoax.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Dec 07 2024

Arrested by Feds for Making Climate Change

Between now and January 20 is the time not only for last-minute looting and outrageous pardons, but for pushing the envelope of administrative state tyranny even further before the incoming administration can scale it back.

The Environmental Protection Agency is going over the top to enforce the maliciously anti-industry American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act (named as appropriately as the inflationary Inflation Reduction Act).

Via Fox News:

The AIM Act led to the arrest of Michael Hart, of San Diego, in March on charges related to “smuggling potent greenhouse gases,” highlighted in the EPA report. The charges marked the first-ever greenhouse gas-related arrest issued under the AIM Act, but according to an EPA press release from earlier this year, “it will not be the last.”

Better stay away from bean burritos until the EPA has been reined in — or better still abolished.

EPA tyranny does not end with throwing people in prison for the imaginary offense of making the weather be too warm:

Additionally, the EPA reported issuing $1.7 billion in administrative and judicial penalties…

The agency’s environmental enforcement efforts also saw 1,851 civil cases concluded, 121 criminal defendants charged, and it issued more than 225 million pounds of “pollution reductions” in “overburdened communities,” according to the report. As of the end of 2024, there are about 480 open criminal investigations on environmental programs.

Ideologically deranged federal bureauweenies are a menace to both liberty and the economy. DOGE should have no difficulty finding good reason to fire virtually all of them.

Biden has made issuing green energy projects a focus of his administration, most recently handing out billions of dollars to fund climate-related projects in the remaining months of his term before President-elect Trump steps into office.

Looting the treasury for the sake of flagrantly wasteful spending will remain a Democrat priority to the bitter end.

On tips from Chuck A and R F.

Dec 02 2024

All Weather Validates Global Warming Hoax

The beauty of the global warming hoax is that there is always weather, and no matter what the weather is, it validates moonbat climate ideology. For example:

The only undeniable truth here is that the moonbat media has no credibility.

On a tip from R F.

Dec 01 2024

Climate Gullibility Tied to Mental Illness

We are told to fret that climate change is a threat not only to all life on Earth, but also to our mental health:

As temperatures rise, extreme weather events become more frequent, and natural disasters intensify, the psychological well-being of populations worldwide is increasingly at risk.

This mostly effects politically sacred “vulnerable populations” — for example, those who are already have mental issues and of course nonwhites:

For Indigenous communities, climate change-induced displacement from ancestral lands can cause profound psychological distress, as these communities often have deep cultural and spiritual connections to their environment.

Only “indigenous communities” are capable of appreciating God’s creation. That’s why you never see any garbage or pollution in Third World countries.

The global warming hoax really does damage not only the economy but also sanity:

[T]he Daily Telegraph reported on an epidemic of “eco-anxiety” among the children who are being treated for an overwhelming terror of “environmental doom” as climate alarmists spread fears of an impending climate disaster.

Creating hysteria as a means of manipulation is a deliberate tactic:

As Breitbart News has reported, activists have studied people’s emotional response to climate expressions and purposefully selected the terminology that elicits the strongest reaction.

The Guardian rejects “climate change” in favor of “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown.” Salon has explicitly proclaimed that we should “start panicking” because the weather continues to fluctuate like it always has. Every summer heatwave is portrayed as apocalyptic, with predictable effects on the mental health of the gullible. Alicia Finley calls it “climate hypochondria.”

Given that it helps to be a little nuts to buy into woke ideology in the first place, climate change has created a vicious cycle of insanity whereby the more moonbats believe liberal establishment lies about the weather, the crazier they become, the more likely they are to believe the lies.

On tips from Barry A.

Nov 18 2024

Bill Gates Continues to Plot Against Cows

Whether Bill Gates is enough of a kook to actually believe in global warming ideology is unclear, but we do know he has a weird thing about cows. Now he wants to “stick a sort of a metal thing” into them because he is afraid of their farts:

Anybody trust Bill Gates to put vaccines, drugs, and “metal things” into the cows we rely on for food?

Because he is also afraid of their burps, Gates wants to force cows to wear masks like moonbats succumbing to Covid hysteria.

We don’t need cows anyway; Gates would prefer for us to eat synthetic beef and pollution butter and wash them down with maggot milk.

At least his malevolent designs on cows are less alarming than his schemes to chop down and bury forests and to blot out the sun.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Nov 15 2024

Al Gore Still Determined to Reduce Standard of Living

High priest of the global warming hoax Al Gore told reporters yesterday that his cult will press forward at the expense of the human race regardless of the setback moonbats suffered in the US elections:

“There is so much more momentum that even a new Trump administration is not going to be able to slow it down much.”

Being a Democrat, Gore could not pass up the opportunity to diminish his own country:

“Many people around the world are not simply waiting with bated breath to see what the United States is going to do, they’re moving on their own.”

In a globalist’s fantasies, this could mean bad news for an infidel like Donald Trump.

As Breitbart News reported, in 2015 Gore said climate change “deniers” should be punished.

Gore further added politicians in particular should be made to pay a price for rejecting “accepted science”.

Accepted by leftists, that is.

On a tip from MrRightWingDave.

Nov 10 2024

California Bureaucrats to Jack Up Price of Gasoline

If the media had been able to impose San Francisco moonbat Kamala Harris on us, the whole country would have become California. Here’s what that would have meant at the gas pump:

California’s gas prices are on the verge of a 65-cent per gallon increase.

“We know that in order to be successful in addressing climate change, we must continue to reduce our fossil fuel consumption,” said Liane Randolph, chair of California Air Resources Board.

Unless these people are psychotic, they know they could multiply gas prices by a thousand, and it still would have no perceptible effect on the supposedly problematic climate. But with moonbats, it’s the gesture that counts. So CARB is imposing still more repressive regulations.

Making the fossil fuels that are the lifeblood of the economy prohibitively expensive in the name of the global warming hoax is the explicit purpose. Randolph barks about CARB’s demented “plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 that would also result in a 94% reduction in petroleum demand by 2045.”

Pol Pot would have loved the idea of “carbon neutrality.” Think of the piles of skulls that could be produced by deliberately paralyzing the economy.

Trump’s big win signifies a change in prevailing winds. Democrats’ malevolent tyranny may blow up in their faces even in California. Otherwise, the flow of refugees escaping from the erstwhile Golden State will soon become a torrent.

Liane is sorry to say there is open public comment.

On a tip from Steve T.

Oct 25 2024

World Bank Loses Many $Billions in Climate Funds

Wasting $200 trillion on global warming lunacy is still a distant goal for now, but progressives are making remarkable progress:

World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24 billion bankrolling the battle against climate change, according to a bombshell report by a left-leaning charity group.

An investigation by Oxfam revealed “poor record-keeping practices” by the DC-based international lender that resulted in anywhere between $24 billion and $41 billion in misplaced funds.

The actual sum may be still higher:

A World Bank insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested the figure for the missing money “could be twice or 10 times more.”

“All the figures are routinely made up,” the source said. “Nobody has a clue about who spends what.”

The important thing is that they mean well. No doubt the climate appreciates that.

The explosive findings by Oxfam, a British-based non-government organization, mean the US has likely lost just shy of $4 billion because it is the organization’s biggest shareholder with a 16% stake.

Wealth American citizens generate only to have it confiscated through taxation and inflation is generously bestowed upon useless World Bank bureauweenies:

Top executives in Washington DC can trouser $511,000 a year without having to hand over a dime to Uncle Sam. …

Other lavish perks at the global body in downtown Washington DC include generous pension plans that only require a minimum 5% contribution from the employee.

Staffers also have the added bonus of enjoying free US health insurance for life, as well as being awarded 26 days of annual leave a year and a 15 days of sick leave.

Extravagant employee compensation does not account for all the money stolen from us and gifted to the World Bank in the name of the climate. Where do the missing $billions end up? Maybe in private Swiss banks accounts — not that it makes any difference. Nothing moonbats do will have a perceptible impact on the climate anyway. Good thing the climate is not a problem outside of their dogma.

Bend over, here it comes again:

Last week, the Biden-Harris administration voted in favor of boosting the bank’s lending firepower by $150 billion over the next 10 years.

“Lending” in this context means giving away.

On a tip from R F.

Oct 24 2024

$200 Trillion Plot to Blot Out Sun

When it comes to wasting almost inconceivable amounts of wealth on sheer moonbattery, the sky is the limit:

As detailed in a study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, injecting about five million tons of diamond dust into the atmosphere each year would be enough to cool our planet by nearly 2.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

According to woke dogma, this would be a good thing, because “we stare down the barrel of near-certain climate doom.”

Sure, it would take 45 years of nonstop injections and cost nearly $200 trillion — but the intervention would be enough to keep us just under the 2.7 degree warming threshold, past which the catastrophic effects of climate change are believed to be irreversible.

Others focus on more serious problems than mild and unavoidable fluctuations in the climate — like lunatics conspiring to block out the sun’s life-giving rays.

$200 trillion wasted on a ruinous scheme. That might top even Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.

On a tip from Steve T.

Oct 09 2024

Bill Nye Explains Hurricanes

To get an idea of the quality of journalism at MSNBC, consider that it brought in Bill Nye — who is not a scientist but has played one on TV — to explain the dynamics of hurricanes. The interview went as you would expect, as Nye fell back on the one thing he knows: moonbattery.

If only Kamala Harris had been around to hyperregulate the economy back in 1900, the worst hurricane in American history could have been avoided.

Although the eternally fluctuating climate has been trending warmer lately, there has been no increase in the frequency or severity of hurricanes, politically motivated lies from the media notwithstanding.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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