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Category: Global Warming Hoax

Jul 26 2024

ESG Euphemized to “Transition Investing”

Once people realize the crap sandwich doesn’t taste so good, it needs to be renamed. That’s why progressivism is now “liberalism.” Likewise, corporate moonbattery, previously known as “ESG” (environmental, social, governance), is now to be called “transition investing.”

As noted at American Thinker,

ESG as a buzzword really came to mainstream recognition after being vigorously promoted and spoken about by Larry Fink of BlackRock.

But now, as reported at Just the News,

The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

These pernicious not to mention unprofitable left-wing goals are now referred to as “transition investing.”

One of the main criticisms of ESG is that it pushes progressive policies through a process that circumnavigates elected officials and the courts. When investment firms require banks, for example, to meet certain ESG “sustainability goals,” capital in the market gets bound up with leftist political objectives through administrative rulemaking.

Farmers (and those of us who consume their products) are hard hit by climate cult kookiness insidiously imposed in the name of ESG through banks:

The Buckeye Institute, a free-market think tank, released a report earlier this year estimating the cost of compliance with net-zero emissions policies and corporate ESG reporting requirements on American farms. According to the report, farmers will see costs rise at least 34%, which will translate to annual grocery bills rising by 15%.


The ESG movement has received a lot of pushback over the past couple of years from state legislatures and Congress.

So Larry Fink won’t say “ESG” anymore. He’ll just call it something else. That makes it harder to pass laws against.

The worst may be yet to come:

Would farmers be forced to buy battery-powered farm equipment? Prohibited from using oil or gas for fuel? Mandated to plant GMO seed exclusively and forced to use Big Pharma’s pesticides and herbicides? Could “sustainability” mean land “reforms” for the sake of “reparations” and “justice?”

“Transition investing” begs an ominous question. Transition to what?

On tips from R F and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 18 2024

Let Them Eat Pollution Butter

Bill Gates would never make it as a Bond villain or even an Austin Powers villain. He is too cartoonishly evil. Now he wants to “eliminate” farmers by feeding the public synthetic butter made out of pollution:

Gates is funding a new startup with produces fake “butter” that doesn’t require dairy cows or the crops needed for margarine.

Instead, Gates says his “butter” is made from “vegan” fat which is produced from chemicals.

Gates-backed startup Savor produces this fat from “emissions” captured from fossil fuel burnings and gas-powered vehicles.

The stated purpose as usual is to prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has and always will.

Let them eat lentils. Let them drink cockroach milk. Let them drink maggot milk. Let them eat beetleburgers. Let them eat crickets. Let them eat grass. Let them eat maggot butter. Let them eat mealworms. Let them eat plastic trash. Let them eat weeds. Let them eat wind turbine blades. Let them eat worm dogs. Let them eat synthetic pseudofood. Let them eat larvae. Let them eat pollution butter.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

Jul 10 2024

BIPOCs Hardest Hit by Drying Great Salt Lake

Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory/DEI/moonbattery is a totalitarian ideology. Despite its cramped narrowness, everything imaginable is shoehorned into it. For example, allegedly human-caused drying of the Great Salt Lake in overwhelmingly Caucasian Utah is further evidence not only in support of the global warming hoax but also that politically favored BIPOCs are oppressed.

From an actual scientific abstract:

Lake desiccation is a global problem associated with increased human water use and climate change.

As with all things related to the natural world, humans have caused devastation with their greedy insistence on utilizing resources and their hesitation to submit to sufficiently suffocating government.

Like other drying lakes, Utah’s Great Salt Lake (GSL) is producing health-harming dust.

As with all things related to anything, put-upon BIPOCs are hardest hit:

We estimate social disparities in dust fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposures…

Experts can find social disparities anywhere. They just have to look hard enough. Government grants help provide motivation.

Dust PM2.5 exposures would increase as GSL levels drop (e.g., from 24.0 μg m−3 to 32.0 μg m−3). People of color and those with no high school diploma would experience disproportionately higher exposures…

The Great Salt Lake water level is all about social justice:

Racial/ethnic disparities would be reduced if GSL water levels rose.

Conclusions: Whites are privileged, nonwhites are oppressed. That’s all you need to know on any topic whatsoever.

On a tip from Barry A.

Jun 27 2024

Denmark Taxes Farts in Name of Climate

There is nothing insatiably greedy leftists won’t tax — including even farts:

Denmark farmers will soon have to pay an extra tax for their livestock’s farts — making it the first country to implement such a measure to target global warming-inducing methane emissions.

Leftist bureauweenies literally expect people to believe that the weather will be nicer if they drive up food prices to punish farmers for their cows farting. Their contempt for those they rule over is infinite.

The gassy tax will apply to cows, sheep and pigs starting in 2030.

Before long the tax will apply to all creatures that fart, including people. According to moonbat doctrine, the main culprit in climate change is CO2, so any creature that breathes will be taxed for that too.

On tips from Wiggins and R F.

Jun 27 2024

First Solar Epitomizes Green Energy Graft

Barack Obama was a pioneer at monetizing the global warming hoax by using otherwise largely useless green energy boondoggles to launder taxpayer money and pay off campaign donors. In his third term, the graft has gone so far over the top that even Associated Press can’t help but notice it:

Executives, officials and major investors in First Solar, the largest domestic maker of solar panels, donated at least $2 million to Democrats in 2020, including $1.5 million to Biden’s successful bid for the White House. After he won, the company spent $2.8 million more lobbying his administration and Congress, records show — an effort that included high-level meetings with top administration officials.

First Solar is not likely to produce much energy, but it knows how to get a return on investment.

First Solar became perhaps the biggest beneficiary of an estimated $1 trillion in environmental spending enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act, a major piece of legislation Biden signed into law in 2022 after it cleared Congress solely with Democratic votes.

A party arrogant enough to call an inflationary wasteful spending spree the “Inflation Reduction Act” won’t shy from open corruption at taxpayer expense in the name of the phony green energy transition.

Since then, First Solar’s stock price has doubled and its profits have soared thanks to new federal subsidies that could be worth as much as $10 billion over a decade. The success has also delivered a massive windfall to a small group of Democratic donors who invested heavily in the company.

The money is extracted from the American people via taxation and inflation. The Global Warming Hoax is a looting spree. Democrat rule is intolerable.

On tips from Chuck A and R F.

Jun 20 2024

Big Money Moonbats Back Blotting Out Sun

Leftists want us to use solar panels instead of more efficient means of generating electricity so as to please the climate. For the same insane reason, they also want to blot out the sun:

Wealthy philanthropists with ties to Wall Street and Silicon Valley are unbowed by a botched climate experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting the earth, vowing to continue bankrolling future solar geoengineering tests…

A popular definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” An even better definition would be “anything that smells like moonbattery.”

The grotesque horrors of “gender-affirming care” show us what attempts to bring biology into line with leftist ideology can do to people’s bodies. Next, they want to make planet Earth itself moonbattery-compliant.

[T]wo high-profile experiments were shutdown following public backlash, pointing to the challenges of conducting controversial research that could result in weather disruptions or other unintended consequences.

Yet big money moonbats continue to support Dr. Evil schemes to blot out the sun. Those involved have included the odious Pritzker clan through the scary-eyed moonbat Rachel Pritzker and her Pritzker Innovation Fund, as well as the still more sinister Bill Gates.

On a tip from Lyle.

Jun 13 2024

Global Warming Will Drown Us in Sewage

What, you still aren’t ready to sacrifice your freedom and standard of living to the liberal agenda out of sheer hysteria in the name of the global warming hoax? Then let’s try this:

As detailed by The Washington Post, there are millions of septic tanks across the American South, but rising seas associated with a warming planet are turning them into a public health concern.

So someone still reads WaPo after all. Let’s hope William Lewis has a source of information more reliable than his own paper, so he gets the good news.

The publication explains that septic systems need to sit above a certain amount of dry soil to work properly. …

Now, rising seas combined with more frequent bouts of torrential rain are leading to shallower soil buffers. In some cases, the systems become submerged by water, the Post said…

It didn’t use to rain in the South. The ground didn’t use to get wet. Then came global warming.

If a conventional septic system is submerged, toilets can stop working, and waste can flood yards and streets. This can easily become a public health emergency, putting communities at risk for gastrointestinal diseases and other health hazards.

Add gastrointestinal hazards to the list of reasons we must radically transform society in accordance with the Great Reset so as to adjust the global thermostat to the optimal temperature.

In Alabama’s Lowndes County, hookworm has become a problem due to raw sewage from failing septic systems inundating yards and even belching out of bathtubs.

What’s worse, we are told that septic system problems caused by climate change “disproportionately affect” sacred minority communities.

Fortunately, all this can be avoided. Liberals tell us we can prevent the climate from continuing to fluctuate the way it always has by eating bugs. Look, the Chinese are doing it:

On tips from Steve T.

Jun 06 2024

Moonbats Hate Whites and Humans in General

Moonbats hate Caucasians. Don’t take my word for it. Ask a Hollyweirdo — like Amandla Stenberg, leading actress in Disney’s latest Star Wars excretion, who proclaimed that “white people crying was the goal” of a previous movie:

Note the exaggerated guffaw by host Trevor Noah, who presumably was given his position by white people as a reward for not being white. Most everyone in the entertainment industry, which was created by and mainly consists of white people, agrees that white people deserve to be hurt. These days race hate is largely self-directed.

The hatred extends to the entire human race. Hatred of humanity is the impetus behind the global warming hoax. In ultraleft fever swamps like the United Nations, they are increasingly open about it:

If we could just engineer a virus to kill not only whites but every human being on earth, that would solve even the most imaginary problems. The climate would be delighted. No doubt Bill Gates is working on it.

On tips from Wiggins and ABC of the ANC.

Jun 06 2024

Climate Policies May Be Main Cause of Global Warming

Surprisingly, climate tyrants may actually have managed to affect global temperatures. Less surprisingly, the change has been in the wrong direction:

The world of climate science is in shock following extraordinary findings from a team of high-powered NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming. The fantasy world of Net Zero is of course full of unintended consequences, but it is claimed that the abrupt 80% cut in sulphur dioxide emissions from international shipping in 2020 has accounted for 80% of global warming since the turn of the decade.

Maybe this was not a bug but a feature. Just as Democrats deliberately whip up racial resentment so as to validate an ideology based on it, climate kooks may not trust natural fluctuation to provide warming temperatures for the media to spin as an existential threat to life on earth.

The science behind the NASA findings, which have been published in Nature, is simple. Fewer fuel particles injected into the atmosphere reduce cloud droplet density and this leads to clouds that reflect less solar radiation back into space.

Other major causes of the recent slight warming trend include El Niño and the Hunga Tonga eruption, which put a great deal of the #1 greenhouse gas, water vapor, into the atmosphere. The essential plant nutrient CO2, which we are told to regard as a pollutant, does not appear to play a significant role — not that leftists are likely to admit that.

On tips from Chris Neilson and ABC of the ANC.

May 22 2024

Jane Fonda’s Strategy to Perfect the Weather

When she was relevant, more than half a century ago, Jane Fonda was an obnoxious and treasonous fool. She has not aged well:

Maybe the climate will be rescued from its imaginary peril if Hanoi Jane turns her strategy around by threatening to have sex with anyone who partakes of the fossil fuels that make everything go.

On a tip from Wiggins.

May 17 2024

Cow Vaccine to Improve the Weather

Looks like there may be an interim step between monitoring meat consumption and banning it altogether. Moonbat plutocrats like Bill Gates could poison it:

ArkeaBio, a Boston developer of a vaccine to reduce livestock methane emissions, raised […] $26.5 million in venture capital funding led by an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

It sounds like something Dr. Evil would come up with while tripping on LSD: a vaccine to change the weather by altering the way cows digest their food — with effects on the meat and those who eat it left to unfold in time.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

May 15 2024

Climate Scientist Calls for Culling Human Race by Disease

Until previously, the most malevolent ideology that had ever existed was Marxism. It has driven brutal regimes in previously civilized countries to kill over 100 million of their subjects and reduce many more to miserable existences. Communism has now been eclipsed by an ideology still more profoundly evil in that it pushes hatred of the human race to a more explicitly genocidal extreme. I refer to the Cult of Climatism:

A leading climate scientist has suggested a virulent pandemic killing swathes of the human population is the only way to reduce carbon emissions enough to halt climate change. Professor Bill McGuire was previously a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a British government body that advised politicians on the Covid pandemic response. He also helped author a report for the notorious Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations (UN) body that has helped drive climate policy globally despite making a slew of errors.

Rather than first establishing that there is anything wrong with the climate and that CO2 emissions significantly impact it, McGuire plunges straight ahead to the objective:

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” wrote McGuire, Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL).

If you needed any more evidence that climate kooks, international agencies like the UN, academia, and the bureaucracies of countries like the UK are wicked and want to kill you, now you have it.

McGuire would no doubt tell you that reducing the human race by presumably billions of people is only a means to the sacred end of fewer allegedly harmful emissions. But the entire ideology is so preposterous as to make obvious that the global warming hoax is only a means and what they inflict in its name is the end.

Stand by for Disease X, which may already be under development by the UN’s World Health Organization, financed by US tax dollars. Or maybe Biden’s handlers will implement our culling directly:

Research funded by the Joe Biden regime could make McGuire’s vision of a high-mortality pandemic a reality. Peter Daszak, a researcher with ties to Anthony Fauci who was accused of being complicit in a Wuhan lab leak prior to the Covid pandemic, is still receiving millions of dollars of public funding.

His EcoHealth Alliance group still has hundreds if not thousands of coronavirus samples “in freezers in Wuhan.”

Democrat rule might pose an existential threat.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and KirklesWorth.

May 11 2024

Weather Has Upper Hand

We are told that the weather can be controlled by green energy boondoggles. Actually, Mother Nature is in control.

From India:

No wonder Indians rely on coal.

Are there lessons to be learned from events like this? No there are not. The main purposes of green energy projects are to launder taxpayer money and to demonstrate how devoutly moonbats worship the Global Warming Hoax. No doubt developing countries also exploit them to acquire handouts from the West. Whether any energy is generated is irrelevant.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Apr 22 2024

Climate Change Oppresses Gay Couples

What, you still aren’t taking the global warming hoax seriously, even after year upon year of the media hysterically shrieking in your face? Let’s try this:

Same-sex couples have a significant risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change — wildfires, floods, smoke-filled skies, drought, etc. — compared to straight couples, according to a new report by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.

Considering that UCLA’s medical school promotes “revolutionary suicide” and denounces “white science,” what would you expect the law school to engage in if not pure moonbattery?

Here’s why sexual deviants who may participate in the farcification of holy matrimony are more vulnerable than normal people to climate fluctuation ending life on earth:

LGBTQ same-sex couples who live together frequently reside in coastal areas, large cities and places with infrastructure ill-equipped for climate-related disasters.

The liberal bastions known as San Fransicko and the District of Corruption could be hardest hit:

The authors found that San Francisco County, behind the District of Columbia, has the second-highest proportion of same-sex couples in the country and a relatively high risk of national hazards complicating life.

Because the Experts have declared that global warming has a disparate impact on the Alphabet People, those who oppose even the most extravagantly expensive, suffocatingly oppressive, and clearly ineffectual symbolic efforts to impose climate stasis are homophobes and transphobes. Before long, they will be subject to arrest on these grounds in the name of climate justice.

On tips from seaoh and R F.


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