It’s Official: Critical Race Theory Is Our State Religion
Iran under the rule of ayatollahs has Islam. America under the rule of equally fanatical Democrats has critical race theory. It is not hyperbole to call this vicious, totalitarian ideology our state religion. Joe Biden has made it official with one of his many executive orders:
Biden signed an executive order on Friday that ensures that every part of the federal government will conduct race-conscious diversity training and engage in race-conscious hiring.
“Race-conscious” means everything is based on the race totem pole, with revered blacks at the top and despised whites at the bottom. That this is imposed by whites reflects a sickness so ghastly that to examine it closely would put Sigmund Freud in need of therapy.
The executive order “establishes an ambitious, whole-of-government initiative that will take a systematic approach to embedding DEIA [diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility] in Federal hiring and employment practices,” according to a White House fact sheet. In practice, it will ensure that federal agencies employ tenets associated with Critical Race Theory (CRT) within their hiring practices and day-to-day activities.
Antiwhite racist Kiran Ahuja was made Director of the Office of Personnel Management to impose just such priorities.
Actual qualifications for a particular job are no longer regarded as relevant, which is why Kamala Harris holds her position of power.
Notably, the order requires diversity trainings like the one conducted by Sandia National Laboratories, a government contractor that helps manage nuclear weapons. During a three-day “White Men’s Caucus,” male employees were required to recite “white privilege” and “male privilege” statements, according to leaked documents reported on by Manhattan Institute fellow Christopher Rufo. Trainers at the caucus told the participants that “white supremacists,” “KKK,” “Aryan Nation,” “MAGA hat,” “privileged” and “mass killings” were all associated with “white male culture.”
Democrats also impose CRT brainwashing in the military. No one could expect a beneficial effect on cohesion from having their superiors tell troops that Caucasians are inherently bad. Yet this deliberately destructive ideology is imposed from the top of the command structure:
America’s top military officer on Wednesday defended teaching “critical race theory” to US Army cadets at West Point — and said it’s important for those in uniform to understand “white rage.”
“White rage” comes from the same bag of bogus CRT rhetoric as “white privilege,” “white fragility,” et cetera.
During a budget hearing held by the House Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that “on the issue of critical race theory, etc., a lot of us have to get much smarter on whatever the theory is.”
Yes; we have to get smart enough to reject this evil ideology root and branch before wicked people use it to destroy our country. But that’s not what Milley has in mind.
“And I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it.”
To lend any credence to the concept of “white rage” in our current situation is the equivalent of praising the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the early days of the Nazi regime.
Then he got scarier:
Milley also appeared to link “white rage” to the Jan. 6 storming of the US Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump in a bid to prevent Congress from certifying his electoral loss to President Biden.
“So, what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building, and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America. What caused that,” Milley said.
The January 6 riot was a protest against election fraud that got out of hand. It had nothing whatsoever to do with race. But those who give Milley his orders want people to associate all opposition to the current regime as “white supremacy.”
Milley’s remarks came just days after US Navy Adm. Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, was grilled by GOP committee members about sailors being advised to read the 2019 book “How to Be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi.
Ibram X. Kendi comes across as more pretentious than intelligent, but he is gifted at monetizing race hate. No one who wishes this country well would want the military reading the poison he excretes.
Tucker Carlson noted how alarming it is to have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff lend his support to antiwhite race hate in the following segment:
For that, retired four-star general Barry McCaffrey, who worked in the Clinton Administration, demanded that Carlson be fired.
At least they aren’t talking about firing squads yet.
On tips from Chris Neilson, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.
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[…] of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley is more worried about mythical “white rage” than the People’s Liberation Army because he is more political hack than military […]
[…] of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley is more worried about mythical “white rage” than the People’s Liberation Army because he is more political hack than military […]
[…] in control, critical race theory is our quasi-official national religion. This means more than systematic discrimination against white job applicants. It means the leftist brainwashing that takes place in public schools […]
[…] in control, critical race theory is our quasi-official national religion. This means more than systematic discrimination against white job applicants. It means the leftist brainwashing that takes place in public schools […]