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Jan 28 2024

Ted Cruz on Democrat Border Callousness

Democrats’ campaign to alter the USA’s demographics to their political benefit by leaving the border open to foreign invasion is not only treasonous, it is a humanitarian catastrophe. Ted Cruz calls out the Party of Government for its ruthlessness and hapless RINOs for collaborating:

The chart Cruz refers to could be this one.

Hell hath no torment like listening to liberals congratulate themselves on their own humanitarian niceness. Reducing America to a Third World country is not nice. It will exponentially increase suffering — not only here but throughout the world, which they threaten to plunge into renewed Dark Ages.

Good thing for leftists that they control the media. Otherwise, by now they would be getting set upon by mobs wielding pitchforks and torches. But then, if they didn’t control the media, they never would have been able to push things this far.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.


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