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Nov 29 2020

The Biden Media

The media has been in full attack mode for 4 years. But if it succeeds at installing Joe Biden in the White House, it will have a very different role:

If only the media had been as excited about President Trump’s peace deals in the Middle East as they are about Joe Biden’s potential new cat, then maybe we could take them seriously.

Also in the news,

Biden was seen sporting some funky socks at a recent no-questions-allowed presser.

Bloomberg News political reporter Jennifer Epstein issued a tweet informing us that “Today [Biden] wore dark blue socks adorned with lighter blue dogs.”

We can look forward to more frivolity.

Magazines will undoubtedly run pages of flattering pieces on Dr. Jill’s down-to-earth fashion finds.

Who knows, maybe President Obama will make a return to the White House to shoot some BuzzFeed sketches with Joe.

Biden’s Pretoria media can’t get any less professional than it has been already.

When most candidates would have been asked about their delinquent child’s laptop from hell — Joe Biden was asked about his milkshake preferences.

The press tried to feign fairness with other Democrat frontrunners, but they knew Biden’s candidacy could not handle any kind of heat.

Biden, exceptionally feeble and flawed, needed the press to roll him over the finish line.

Taking office won’t make him any sharper. Media coverage will only get more farcical as Biden submerses into a murky pool of dementia.

No one will miss Donald Trump more than the media. Shifting from a fiery moonbat jihad to puff pieces protecting a cognitively declining corruptocrat will not boost circulation. But then, maybe they can call in a favor by getting Biden to bail them out with subsidies.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.


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2 Responses to “The Biden Media”

  1. […] year are too monumental in their historic importance to wedge into a newscast between updates on Joe Biden’s socks and the scandalous misogyny of not pretending that his wife is a doctor. If so, the alphabet […]

  2. […] year are too monumental in their historic importance to wedge into a newscast between updates on Joe Biden’s socks and the scandalous misogyny of not pretending that his wife is a doctor. If so, the alphabet […]


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