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Jun 04 2023

Toilets Denounced as Racist

The countless precious blessings whites have bestowed upon the world include flush toilets. That means toilets are racist. Weep the propagandists at the Guardian:

America invested in sanitation systems throughout the 20th century – but it often left out communities of color, and they’re still trying to catch up. This video explains how specific policies caused these inequities, and talks to some of the people who still lack proper sanitation systems in 2022.

Baizuos who enjoy wallowing in racist self-hatred will want to click through and watch the video.

Others may note that if it weren’t for whites, no one would have flush toilets. Or refrigeration. Or air travel. Or internal combustion engines. Or modern agriculture. Or modern medicine. Or limited government. Or computers. Or anything else that makes being human much more pleasant than it was before the rise of European civilization.

On a tip from seaoh.


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