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Jun 17 2024

UK Theaters and Drama Schools Promote Obesity

Never mind that it is an avoidable condition virtually guaranteed to damage your health and shorten your life. Morbid obesity is promoted by the establishment, now that fat people have joined the Cultural Marxist coalition of the oppressed. The wokest sectors of society lead the way.

From the UK:

Theatres and drama schools have been offered “plus-size inclusivity training” to tackle “fatphobia” and help the industry become “more inclusive for bigger bodies”.

Ruth Anna Phillips, a “plus-size director” who runs workshops to address “anti-fat bias”, told The Stage earlier this month that “one drama school had already agreed to provide the size inclusion training for its staff.”

“Inclusion training” is what we used to call “political indoctrination.” Those who undergo it are instructed as to what they are required to believe — or at the very least, pretend to believe.

Lock your refrigerator; here comes the Malcolm X of the body positivity movement:

Ms Phillips is co-founder of Inclusion Collective, an organisation that provides training in “creative wellbeing”, “body positivity” and “inclusive movement”, among other areas. Her website contains resources on “fat activism” – “advocacy for the rights and dignity of fat people, combating discrimination” and “the body consciousness scale”, among other materials.

As usual, the moonbattery is funded by the government:

[Arts Council England] records show [Phillips] was awarded £10,479 last year, which she used to develop her project “body acceptance and inclusion”.

If militant fat people continue to follow the game plan that secured privileged status for blacks, we will soon reach the Fat Lives Matter stage. Waddling mobs will protest their oppression by looting grocery stores.

On a tip from Steve T.


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