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Apr 28 2024

Violent Maniac John Hinckley Finds NYC Too Dangerous

New York City has succumbed to end-stage liberalism, a state of societal decay characterized by an incongruous combination of savage lawlessness and authoritarian micromanagement. Regarding the lawlessness, even John Hinckley Jr, a violent maniac who is running around loose despite having shot Ronald Reagan during his presidency, is sensible enough to avoid the place. He has been cashing in on his infamy by performing as a folk singer — but he won’t warble in the rotting Big Apple.

Frets Hinckley:

“I’m afraid of New York City and I just don’t want to go there right now.”

He says NYC is a “dangerous mess” and has “a bad vibe.” He accurately describes the ultraliberal city as a “cesspool of crime.”

Hinckley got away with shooting Reagan and others compliments of the absurd insanity defense. This is revealed as all the more unjust, now that we know he is less crazy than the millions who have yet to escape from New York.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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