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Apr 29 2023

What Speaking Truth to Power Looks Like

Ever wonder what happened to Seymour Hersh and his revelation that the Biden Regime very likely committed an act of war by bombing the Nord Stream pipelines? So does Jose Vega:

Vega attended a panel discussion at the Columbia Journalism Review, which featured editors from The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Reuters. The panel was titled “Fault Lines – a Panel on Building a Democratic Press,” but it quickly turned into a moment of reckoning for these media giants.

During the discussion, Vega seized the microphone and challenged the editors on their lack of coverage and misreporting on critical issues like the Nord Stream pipeline destruction. He called out their hypocrisy in trying to silence investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and questioned if their publications had any remaining credibility.

Preening liberal establishmentarians like to pretend they speak truth to power. Vega actually does:

Vega appears to be a Lyndon LaRouche guy with a few wacky views, but at least he gets good questions asked. This isn’t easy to do when the media has degenerated into a branch of the government.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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