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Apr 05 2022

Yesterday’s Joke Is Today’s Democrat Economic Policy

The last time Democrats inflicted this much damage on the economy, Jimmy Carter was bumbling around the White House and Saturday Night Live was funny:

Dan Aykroyd must have been peering into the future:

“I will present to Congress the Inflation Maintenance Program, whereby the US Treasury will make up any inflation cost losses through direct tax rebates to the public in cash.

“Now you may say, Won’t that cost a lot of money? Won’t that increase the deficit? Sure it will. But so what? We’ll just print more money.”

Unsurprisingly, California leads the way in actually implementing this policy. If you want to see what Democrats will do to us next, look to the erstwhile Golden State. To see what comes next after that, refer to Venezuela, then Zimbabwe.

A long list of other states have plans to counter inflation with tax rebates:

Even so, the rebate checks aren’t likely to cover the increased costs that most Americans are facing, since states are typically proposing checks of several hundred dollars while the average family will pay an estimated $2,000 in additional costs this year due to the higher prices of gas alone.

But inflation is insidious, so you don’t notice just how much it is costing you. In contrast, even a modest tax rebate can feel like a bonanza — especially if you are getting rebated the taxes someone else paid.

The rising cost of gasoline — a major driver of all rising costs — is mainly the result of Democrats’ ideologically inspired war on fossil fuels. The media has been gaslighting the gullible into blaming Putin, but only our real enemies inflate our currency or prevent us from drilling our own oil — namely, Democrats.

On a tip from seaoh.


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