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Aug 23 2022

Zoophilia Pride

The Culture War now looks like a rout. Following the astonishing success of the blitzkrieg campaign to normalize the LGBT agenda, activists are scouting new territory to conquer. Although more energy is devoted to promoting pedophilia, social justice warriors have plenty to spare for zoophilia. Here a protester at a German Zoophilia Pride March makes a case for decriminalizing sex with animals:

Note the demeanor of the dog, which appears to experience regular abuse. Yet again we see that perversion is wrong.

Maybe it isn’t a rout after all. Let’s hope it is more a matter of giving people enough rope to hang themselves with.

On a tip from seaoh.


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One Response to “Zoophilia Pride”

  1. […] Zoophilia Pride. The Culture War now looks like a rout. Following the astonishing success of the bli… […]


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