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Dec 27 2021

$1.5 Million for Salvadoran Police Covid Stress Relief

It is as if they deliberately flush away our money in the most arrogantly wasteful manner possible. Judicial Watch reports:

[T]he federal government is dedicating $1.5 million to assist police in El Salvador with challenges and stress created by COVID-19. The goal is to help the Central American nation’s 26,966-member National Civil Police (PNC) asses its role and capacities during a crisis and efficiently provide training to manage a public health emergency like the pandemic. “The training will particularly focus on public health orders, personal and workplace safety measures, education in regards to transmission and proper treatment, and management of operational continuity,” according to a grant announcement made public this month.

That $1.5 million comes out of our pockets, mostly through inflation.

El Salvador isn’t the only backwater to win a free jackpot as our moonbat rulers fling our money to the four winds:

That includes $200,000 to advance “gender equality” in Costa Rica’s police forces by hiring more female cops.

There’s more:

A few months ago a Clinton community policing program received $33 million from the government to advance a nationwide effort that includes tolerance, diversity, and anti-bias training as well as crisis intervention teams and de-escalation training.

The flaky program was designed by Bill Clinton to support “creative” alternatives to normal policing.

Meanwhile, back home,

In the last year more than a dozen cities slashed police funding or decreased the number of officers, according to a probe conducted by a national news agency. They include the nation’s two largest cities—Los Angeles and New York—which eliminated $150 million and $1 billion respectively from their police budget. Other cities that drastically cut police funding include Austin, Seattle, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Salt Lake City and Philadelphia. Washington D.C. decreased its police budget by $15 million. Predictably, there has been a rise in crime…

Under the control of liberals, our government is not our government, because it does not perform the fundamental duties of government, like defending the border and maintaining public safety. It confiscates our money and spends it in ways that provide us no benefit. It is our enemy.

On a tip from Chuck A.


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