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May 09 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Tina Forte

If you remember Covid tyranny, vote for people like Tina Forte — or the next time a bug comes around, it will be exploited as a pretext to inflict even worse. Forte is running for the New York congressional seat of the obnoxious ultraleftist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

The reason voters will choose the godawful AOC over Tina Forte is that the district has succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral. Demographic transformation guarantees AOC’s reelection.

The border remains open because Democrats intend to inflict the same fate on the nation as a whole. If they succeed, Marxists like AOC will win every election, and Americans like Tina Forte will fade out of existence. The Future of the Democratic Party will be the future of America.

On a tip from seaoh.


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