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Mar 09 2023

Sign of the Times

A sign on the door of the ladies’ room in the Regenstein Library at the University of Chicago sums up what moonbat hegemony means for women. The sign warns that they are likely to see men in there, and tells them there is something wrong with them if they object:

omg you look cute today!

ALSO, this is a lil warning that you may see a trans or nonbinary person in here. You do not need to gasp or leave immediately, it makes us feel bad and honestly, we pose no risk to you so it’s just unnecessarily dramatic.

Remember that, ladies. If you see a man in your restroom, do not leave, because it might offend him and be unnecessarily dramatic.

Scott Smith would disagree that they pose no risk. He was roughed up by the police and demonized by the media for objecting at a schoolboard meeting to his 9th grade daughter being sexually assaulted in the school restroom by a guy wearing a skirt.

Moonbattery is par for the course at formerly respected University of Chicago:

The ubiquity of leftist ideology at UChicago was also exemplified by a 2022 class called “The Problem with Whiteness,” as well as by a “climate anxiety” event in January for BIPOC students.

What a glorious time to be a leftist kook on campus.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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