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Aug 13 2021

American Express to Employees: Capitalism Is Racist

A house divided against itself cannot stand. That is bad news for the corporate establishment, because it has gone in whole hog on Black Lives Matter and critical race theory, both of which consist of Marxism gussied up with a veneer of black supremacism. Businessmen pandering to Marxists is as insane as Jews supporting Nazis. Yet we read this:

American Express, which made a $2.3 billion profit last quarter, invited the great-grandson of the Nation of Islam’s founder to tell its employees that capitalism is evil.

It was part of AmEx’s critical race theory indoctrination program.

Employees are forced to rank themselves on the cultural Marxist totem pole according to their “privilege.” By now everyone knows how this works. The more you reflect the core population that created America, the more “privileged” you are, the more you must hate yourself and submit to marginalization on behalf of those above you in the phony victimhood caste system.

Due to the doctrine of intersectionality, the hierarchy can be complicated, with new groups of “oppressed” persons invented on an ongoing basis. However, Christian white male heterosexuals will always be found at the bottom.

[T]rainers instruct employees how to change their behavior in the office based on their relative position on the hierarchy. The trainers provide a blue flowchart with specific rules for interacting with black, female and LGBT employees: If members of a subordinate [i.e., politically preferred] group are present, workers should practice “intersectional allyship” and defer to them before speaking.

Failing to yield submissively to those who are more “oppressed” might constitute a “microaggression.” HR departments do not look fondly upon those who commit microaggressions in corporate America these days.

Since not being racist is racist according to CRT dogma, it is strictly forbidden:

White employees are told not to utter phrases such as “I don’t see color,” “We are all human beings” and “Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough” — all categorized as “microaggressions.”

At one high-profile “anti-racism” event, AmEx execs invited Khalil Muhammad — great-grandson of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad — to lecture on “race in corporate America.” He argued that the system of capitalism was founded on racism and that “racist logics and forms of domination” have shaped Western society from the Industrial Revolution to the present.

Ironically, Nation of Islam really was founded on racism. A core belief is that the white race is inherently evil. The implication that a Final Solution is called for is obvious.

Unsurprisingly, Muhammad advocates racism:

Muhammad argued [that] the company should reduce standards for black customers and sacrifice profits in the interest of race-based reparations.

Employees are also subjected to propaganda calling for the abolition of prisons, no doubt because prison is racist. As prisons are abolished, they will be replaced by concentration camps — until such a time as all racists (and therefore all capitalists) have been liquidated, at which point utopia will have been achieved.

On tips from Varla and Anonymous.


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2 Responses to “American Express to Employees: Capitalism Is Racist”

  1. […] Moonbattery discusses American Express calling capitalism raaaaacist […]


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