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Category: Corporate Moonbattery

Jul 26 2024

ESG Euphemized to “Transition Investing”

Once people realize the crap sandwich doesn’t taste so good, it needs to be renamed. That’s why progressivism is now “liberalism.” Likewise, corporate moonbattery, previously known as “ESG” (environmental, social, governance), is now to be called “transition investing.”

As noted at American Thinker,

ESG as a buzzword really came to mainstream recognition after being vigorously promoted and spoken about by Larry Fink of BlackRock.

But now, as reported at Just the News,

The company recently updated its climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines. The document makes no mention of ESG, but it shows in many ways, the world’s largest investment manager with $10 trillion in assets under management is still pursuing many of the same goals.

These pernicious not to mention unprofitable left-wing goals are now referred to as “transition investing.”

One of the main criticisms of ESG is that it pushes progressive policies through a process that circumnavigates elected officials and the courts. When investment firms require banks, for example, to meet certain ESG “sustainability goals,” capital in the market gets bound up with leftist political objectives through administrative rulemaking.

Farmers (and those of us who consume their products) are hard hit by climate cult kookiness insidiously imposed in the name of ESG through banks:

The Buckeye Institute, a free-market think tank, released a report earlier this year estimating the cost of compliance with net-zero emissions policies and corporate ESG reporting requirements on American farms. According to the report, farmers will see costs rise at least 34%, which will translate to annual grocery bills rising by 15%.


The ESG movement has received a lot of pushback over the past couple of years from state legislatures and Congress.

So Larry Fink won’t say “ESG” anymore. He’ll just call it something else. That makes it harder to pass laws against.

The worst may be yet to come:

Would farmers be forced to buy battery-powered farm equipment? Prohibited from using oil or gas for fuel? Mandated to plant GMO seed exclusively and forced to use Big Pharma’s pesticides and herbicides? Could “sustainability” mean land “reforms” for the sake of “reparations” and “justice?”

“Transition investing” begs an ominous question. Transition to what?

On tips from R F and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 13 2024

More Disney Sickness Exposed

If a cabal of depraved malevolent freaks wanted to corrupt the maximum number of innocent children, what would be the ideal corporation to subvert to this purpose? That’s right, Disney:

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.

Jun 30 2024

Major Victory as Tractor Supply Caves

We’re starting to get somewhere. Bud Light was hit for $billions, yet even then Anheuser-Busch didn’t retreat from its moonbattery. But then openly wicked Target backed off on pushing depravity at children after shoppers revolted. Now Tractor Supply has thought better of favoring leftism over its customers:

A major farm supply retailer said it will eliminate DEI roles, end its carbon emissions goals and cut ties to an LGBTQ advocacy group following a social media campaign calling for the firm to revoke its “woke” policies.

Tennessee-based Tractor Supply — an 85-year-old company with 2,250 stores — made the decision after conservative commentator Robby Starbuck called for a boycott over the past three weeks on X.

Tractor Supply has brushed off the LGBT militants at Human Rights Campaign and will no longer sponsor festivals intended to showcase and promote sexual perversion.

Instead, Tractor Supply will beef up its support for veteran causes, emergency response agencies, animal shelters, state fairs, rodeos and farmers’ markets, the company said.

Sounds like progress.

Corporate America has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions. It is as arrogantly left-wing as the education and media establishments. Americans can’t boycott every company that rubs wokeness in our faces — at least, not at first. The guerrilla campaign starts with targeting the most egregious and the most vulnerable.

Hats off to Robby Starbuck.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.

Jun 27 2024

Mom Thrown Off Flight for “Misgendering”

It isn’t enough never to criticize the sexually insane. You must explicitly deny objective reality at their behest. Those who even accidentally fail to comply will be punished, like the Texas mom who was ejected from a United Airlines flight for not referring to a transgender employee in accordance with his preferences.

Jenna Longoria committed a thought crime yesterday by saying “Thank you sir” to a gate agent who has decided everyone must regard him as a woman.

Via National Review:

While Longoria was allowed to board with her [16-month-old] child, her 73-year-old mother was held back, she said. Struggling to break down her baby stroller and arrange the car seat to get her crying son situated, Longoria asked a different flight attendant for help, noting that the staff member at the front refused to let her mother pre-board with her.

Then she compounded her earlier offense by referring to the transsexual as “the man at the front.”

After Longoria again asked the flight attendant for help, he told her to get off the plane, informing her that she was being barred from the flight due to her alleged bigotry, she said.

She was told she may be permanently blacklisted from all United Airlines. What do you expect from a company devoted to DEI whose CEO Scott Kirby is a transvestite?

After being escorted off the flight, Longoria implored staff to let her family get their luggage off the plane because they needed medication that was stowed away, but United refused, she said. After waiting in the airport for three hours, Longoria booked new flights with American Airlines for $1,000. […]

United declined to answer whether it would compensate Longoria for the $1,000 she spent on American Airlines tickets…

Remember this if you are ever tempted to book a flight on United Airlines.

At some point, we will get sick of having to grovel before deranged degenerate bullies. The worm will turn.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Anonymous, and Varla.

Jun 24 2024

Lego Promotes Sexual Perversion to Children

Lego is a toy manufacturer. Its advertising should have nothing whatsoever to do with guys who achieve twisted sexual satisfaction by dressing as caricatures of women or animals. Yet we see this:

Corporations that have succumbed to leftism would rather desecrate children’s innocence than sell their products.

Why pander only to gays? Muslims buy toys too:

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.

Jun 22 2024

Confirmed: Disney Discriminates Against Whites

There are no negative consequences in this society for pushing sexual depravity at children, but who knows? Maybe Disney will get in trouble for systematically breaking the law against racial discrimination:

During a series of undercover videos made by investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group, a Disney senior vice president named Michael Giordano appeared to detail a series of questionable hiring practices and beliefs ingrained at the company.

These can be summarized as “heterosexual white guys need not apply.”

It’s not enough to be nonwhite. You have to look it. Giordano shared an anecdote:

“We wanted to hire somebody in a department from a few years ago now, who was half black but didn’t appear half black. And there was a creative executive who was like, ‘That’s not what’s wanted.’ They wanted somebody in meetings who would appear a certain way and he wasn’t gonna bring that to the meeting.”

Coded language is used to avoid discrimination lawsuits. However:

As Breitbart News reported, Disney is facing a federal civil rights complaint alleging the company’s DEI policies are unlawful and discriminate against white American men, Christians, and Jews. America First Legal filed the complaint against Disney in February.

Elon Musk published leaked internal Disney documents that show diversity quotas being implemented across the company.

If the worm ever turns, hyperwoke Disney will be among the first to know. It may be in for a massive class action lawsuit.

On tips from Anonymous, seaoh, and KirklesWorth.

May 04 2024

Hims Promises to Hire Pro-Hamas Protesters

Regrettably, it is not feasible to boycott the entire liberal establishment. But at least we can avoid the online pharmacy Hims in light of this:

The founder and CEO of telehealth and online pharmacy Hims took to social media on Wednesday to encourage anti-Israel protesters on college campuses to continue in those efforts because companies like his will be “eager” to hire them.

Andrew Dudum, who founded Hims in 2017, said anti-Israel campus protesters are making a difference and drew a contrast to other executives who have said the antisemitic demonstrations have made those involved in campus protests unemployable.

The protesters are making a difference, all right. In light of the Left’s support for Hamas following the October 7 terror atrocities, you can no longer align yourself with it while pretending to mean well. The rotten little brats occupying college campuses are expressing unadulterated evil — as even those who rely on the liberal media for information cannot help but know.

“Moral courage > College degree,” Dudum wrote on X.

Raping women, mutilating babies, and supporting these activities by illegally occupying college buildings constitute “moral courage” according to moonbats, confirming that their viewpoint is achieved by pushing depravity as an end in itself to the last possible extreme.

On a tip from Steve T.


The stock price of Hims & Hers Health, Inc. plummeted 8% after the company’s CEO said he and other executives were “eager” to hire anti-Israel student protesters who’ve faced disciplinary actions from their universities.

Get woke go broke. There will be a financial reckoning for progressives, as decent people finally start to push back.

On a tip from DCGere.

Apr 02 2024

Adidas Bans the Number 44

The need to ban is fundamental to moonbats. The moonbats running a German corporation have even started banning numbers:

Adidas has banned football fans from buying German football kits customised with the number 44, after media raised their resemblance to the symbol used by World War Two-era Nazi SS units.

If you want it to, “44” can look like “SS”.

SS units were the most responsible for the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis.

You know, like surgically mutilating children to turn them into perverts. Just kidding; Nazis were sick but not that sick.

Baseball greats Henry Aaron and Reggie Jackson, who both wore the number 44, have now been exposed as Nazi sympathizers.

They should have just banned the letter “S”. Maybe that’s next.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 24 2024

How Business Is Done Under People Like Biden

When society fails at the crucial task of limiting government, businesses don’t succeed by offering a better product at a competitive price. All that’s needed is a seat at the table. These seats are for sale:

The Justice Department took the rare step earlier this month of moving to dismiss a $3.3 billion civil fraud lawsuit against Dish Network — months after founder Charlie Ergen and his wife donated more than $113,000 to President Biden’s re-election campaign late last year.

Ergen […] has battled the federal fraud claim for nearly a decade.

But the Tennessee native saw his luck change shortly after he and spouse Candy contributed $100,000 to Biden’s super PAC and maxed out with matching $6,600 donations to the president’s principal campaign committee in December, according to campaign finance filings.

Getting Merrick Garland to call off the dogs wasn’t Ergen’s only return on investment.

This past January, Dish nabbed a $50 million grant from the administration to help expand 5G coverage nationwide — the “largest award” of its kind, the company crowed […]

Ergen has been “very close to the White House” throughout Biden’s tenure, frequently “brags” about his connections, and has been spotted going in and out of FCC headquarters.

When Joe Biden has been put in a position to pick winners and losers, the winners are the ones who give him money.

Any questions regarding why big business sides with a party grounded in Marxist ideology? If Marxists are in control, you had better side with them, hoping the crocodile eats you last — unless you have enough character to try to throw them off.

Ayn Rand put it well:

“When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed.”

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Mar 22 2024

Why Planet Fitness Has Men in the Women’s Locker Room

No wonder Planet Fitness has creeps like this guy scaring little girls in the women’s locker room. Look at the sort of ads they run:

It’s all a big joke — until siding with perverts against decent people costs you $400 million:

The company’s value dropped from $5.3 billion on March 14 to $4.9 billion on March 19, and its shares are down by 13.59 percent compared to a month ago.

The decline follows Planet Fitness’ refusal to walk back its decision to ban a member who exposed a ‘trans woman’ shaving in a female locker room earlier this month.

Not much chance Planet Fitness will mend its ways. Corporations care more about sucking up to the Alphabet People than they do about profits, as Budweiser has demonstrated. That’s how much they fear the “marginalized.”

On tips from seaoh, Mr. Freemarket, DCGere, and Lyle.

Mar 20 2024

Planet Fitness Update

Planet Fitness recently canceled a woman’s membership and even filed a police report against her because she objected to a male pervert invading the women’s locker room. An update:

Any woman who sets foot in Planet Fitness is risking her own safety. To bring a little girl there borders on child abuse.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Mar 15 2024

Advil Introduces Pain Equity

The Bud Light implosion taught them nothing. Corporations continue to double down on ramming moonbattery down the public’s throat, alienating at least half their customer base by prioritizing leftist posturing over selling their products. Now Advil tells us to buy their ibuprofen because pain is racist:

Pain equity. Liberalism is beyond parody. It will stop being funny when Democrats force Caucasians to keep ground glass in their shoes so as to feel as much pain as blacks are egged on to proclaim they experience.

Blacks showing some self-respect instead of whining on command would put a stop to this.

On a tip from Franco.

Mar 05 2024

Doritos Brand Ambassador Is Transsexual Pedophile

Once moonbats start pulling on threads by questioning whether they are on the right path, their entire ideology will come unraveled. This leaves them with no choice but to keep doubling down. Budweiser laid waste to its formerly profitable Bud Light brand by associating it with gut-wrenchingly repulsive female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney, costing itself $1.4 billion. In the aftermath of this debacle, the suits at Pepsi are doing the same thing to Doritos by using cross-dressing pedophile Samantha Hudson to hawk its asbestos-coated tortilla shards:

Hudson, 24, has identified [him]self as ‘anti-capitalist’ and ‘Marxist’ in interviews, released a song critical of the Catholic Church and even said in one video that [he] is for ‘the abolition of [and to] destroy and annihilate the traditional monogamous nuclear family.’

Hudson has tweeted about wanting to do “thuggish things” to a child.

Another alleged post translates to: ‘In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I’m a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl.’

According to Newsweek, [he] has also been accused of mocking sexual assault victims…

How edgy.

On tips from seaoh, the Great Cornholio, and WDS 2.0.

Feb 16 2024

National Geographic Names Drag Queen Traveler of the Year

In better days, National Geographic could be found in every waiting room. But like other iconic publications (e.g., Sports Illustrated), it has fallen into decline. Nat Geo had to lay off all its staff writers and was pulled from newsstands. Why don’t people read it anymore? Because it is run by the sort of tasteless and obnoxious moonbats who would name drag queen Pattie Gonia a Traveler of the Year:

Pattie Gonia is a self-described “intersectional environmentalist, drag queen, and advocate for inclusivity in the outdoors” who works to “uplift LGBTQIA+ people and other underrepresented groups in the outdoors.”

We previously encountered Mr. Gonia when he was involved in a promotion of the LGBT agenda by the Democrat-controlled National Park Service.

The federal government can get away with ramming a depraved sexual agenda down the public’s throat because government is force. In contrast, nongovernmental entities have to interact with us on a voluntary basis, so repeatedly poking us in the eye sometimes has consequences.

That could be bad news for North Face, assuming any non-moonbats buy its products:

‘Hi, it’s me, Pattie Gonia, a real-life homosexual,” the activist says in a video for the 2023 North Face “Summer of Pride” campaign.

The issue is never the issue; the issue is always moonbattery — which Mr. Gonia repulsively personifies:

[Gonia] co-founded The Outdoorist Oath… The organization asks members to take an oath, which includes acknowledging climate change, committing to advocacy for environmental justice, and recognizing “that systemic oppression is real and that hatred, discrimination, and biases marginalize people.”

Outdoorist Oath seeks to promote inclusivity and raises awareness about conduct like “microaggressions in the outdoors.” The organization hosts activism workshops called “Stretch Sessions,” including sessions on white supremacy.

The global warming hoax, sexual depravity, transsexualism, Cultural Marxism, hatred of Caucasians — it is all one thing: moonbattery.

Underscoring that moonbattery is not merely foolish and nauseating but demonic, Outdoorist Oath came out with a statement in support of Hamas following the horrific terror atrocities of October 7. Maybe that’s what won over National Geographic.

Majority ownership of National Geographic is unsurprisingly held by Disney, which is evil.

But by all means subscribe to National Geographic and buy from North Face if you want this to be American culture:

On tips from Franco and WDS 2.0.


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