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Jun 09 2023

Arson More Likely Than Global Warming

Air conditions in the Northeast have been the next best thing to a school shooting for the liberal propagandists who run the media. They have predictably hyped the smoggy skies as evidence that draconian measures are required to confront the nonexistent climate crisis. However, the Canadian forest fires that produced the pollution might not have been caused by our failure to abolish transportation. As with California wildfires, poor forest management likely had more to do with it than minor climate fluctuations. The rising tide of lawlessness might have played an even bigger role:

The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson. …

The actual cause is yet to be determined. We do know, however, that previous forest fires in places like Fort McMuray or in Nova Scotia are suspected to be caused by humans.

Multiple acts of arson might have been coordinated.

“As we speak, we think that certain elements that stand out may suggest that these fires may be linked. There are a few things that seem suspicious,” Mayor Isabelle Lessard told the local le Quotidien newspaper. “The SQ [provincial police service Sûreté du Québec] is investigating in order to make validations, then to see what is happening and if there is a criminal cause behind it, but we are still in validation.”


This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.

Moonbat demagogues are predictably spouting nonsense like this:

The Canadian wildfires are unprecedented in the same way the profligate spending blowout Democrats mislabeled the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation. An example from 243 years ago, long before there was a modern economy to blame:

On May 19, 1780, the sun came up as usual, but then the skies over New England darkened as far north as Portland, Maine, and as far south as New Jersey. …

The Dark Day inspired terror, panic and puzzlement. Men prayed and women wept. Thousands left off work and took to taverns and churches for solace. Children were sent home from school. Bewildered chickens went to their roosts, frightened cattle returned to their stalls, the night birds whistled and frogs peeped as they did at midnight.

If Twitter had been around, moonbats would have been barking hysterical tweets.

In the 19th century, historian Joseph Dow figured out the cause: smoke from extensive forest fires mixed with fog.

On tips from Lyle.


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3 Responses to “Arson More Likely Than Global Warming”

  1. […] technologies is that they are not dependable. Forest fires broke out in Canada, possibly due to arson as the country degenerates into anarchotyranny. Here’s the effect the smoke has on US solar […]

  2. […] Coordinated acts of arson are suspected in the Canadian forest fires that caused moonbats in the Northeast to panic over the smoke earlier this month. Climate change was of course blamed there too: […]


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