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Jun 11 2023

Solar Power Production Plunges After Canada Fires

Among the numerous downsides of politically fashionable “green” technologies is that they are not dependable. Forest fires broke out in Canada, possibly due to arson as the country degenerates into anarchotyranny. Here’s the effect the smoke has had on US solar production:

Solar farms powering New England were generating 56% less power during periods of maximum demand than they did the previous week, according to the region’s grid operator.


The reduced production did not result in any power outages, mainly because solar power is not a prominent source of electricity in the area.

Solar power accounts for approximately 3% of New England’s electricity, compared to 52% from natural gas and 26% from nuclear.

Imagine if people were heavily reliant on solar, as Democrats intend for them to be. Most everything would stop. The lights would go out. Their overpriced electric cars would take them nowhere. No doubt government offices would still have power though.

On a tip from Bluto.


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