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Jul 24 2023

California Court Decrees Free Parking for Vagrants

Being a vagabond does not confer the privileges enjoyed by the sexually insane and members of favored races, but in California it does come with perks — including free parking.

That’s the main takeaway from a California Court of Appeals opinion issued Friday that ruled cities that tow cars with five or more unpaid parking tickets violate the 4th Amendment’s prohibition of search and seizure without a warrant.

The Coalition on Homelessness sued the City and County of San Francisco seeking an injunction against towing scofflaw cars that piled up parking tickets, and the trial court had denied the petition. But the Court of Appeals reversed, because “appellant [Coalition on Homelessness] presented declarations regarding the severe impacts of vehicle tows on unhoused San Francisco residents.”

The interests of The Unhoused (formerly known as bums) take priority in places like San Francisco. Those who don’t like it are homelessophobes.

Good luck finding a parking place that isn’t taken up by a dead vehicle housing a dope fiend.

On tips from Brian Brandt and Dennis G.


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