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Jan 08 2022

California May Double Taxes

If Democrats are able to ram through “voting rights” legislation to unconstitutionally seize federal control of elections so that they can institutionalize election fraud, they will establish single-party rule at the national level, like they already enjoy in California. This would be catastrophic, if not because of the incompetence and radicalism that characterize the party, then because of its insatiable, irresponsible greed.

Consider that people have been escaping the erstwhile Golden State in droves, largely because of stratospheric taxation. Then consider that Democrats are planning to double the already wildly excessive tax rates through a constitutional amendment:

The proposed amendment, ACA 11, would hike several key taxes to fund a state-level government healthcare scheme. According to the right-leaning Tax Foundation, it would increase the average household’s taxes by an astonishing $12,250.

Despite massive waste, California already taxes so greedily that it is running a budget surplus. The plan would increase bureaucrats’ take by $163 billion per year, effectively doubling the tax rate.

The attack is three-pronged:

There’s an income surcharge (on top of the already-high state income taxes) that applies starting at $149,509 in earnings. There’s also a payroll tax add-on, with the top rate applying to employees earning $49,990 or more. Then, there’s a 2.3% business tax hike on gross receipts above the first $2 million a business takes in.

The proposal will help keep unemployment high by creating a tax cliff. A company with 49 employees would take a tax hit of $90,000 for hiring one addition employee.

In exchange for being taxed into oblivion, Californians are promised “free” healthcare. No doubt this sounds like a good deal to the estimated 10 million illegal aliens who reside in the state.

There is no limit to how much Democrats will take, because they have no regard for the future. Their support for Black Lives Matter rioters is understandable, because Democrats in power are the equivalent of a mob of malevolent savages looting a department store. They will steal everything that isn’t bolted to the floor and burn down what’s left out of sheer malice. What comes afterward is someone else’s problem.

On a tip from Chuck A.


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One Response to “California May Double Taxes”

  1. […] Moonbattery discusses double taxation in California […]


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