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Feb 29 2024

Chicago Cop Sues to Change Race

Reality is whatever the moonbats in charge say it is. A man can become a woman if the bureauweenies give their okay. However, Chicago police officers cannot join the privileged ranks of the racially oppressed:

Mohammad Yusuf, 43, said in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed last week that he is looking to change from “Caucasian” as he “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American.”

The African American designation would allow profession advancement.

Yusuf alleges that he has been repeatedly overlooked for promotions due to his “Caucasian” race. These promotions, he claims, have been given to other minority applicants with only very few going to Caucasian applicants.

Black skin is the #1 qualification in any line of work. Because merit is a microaggression.

Yusuf has a legitimate claim to change his race:

Yusuf said he first joined the force in 2004 and, at the time, the department only offered three race selections: Caucasian, Black and Hispanic. He chose “Caucasian” and it was put on his official record, he said.

Now, the department offers “over nine” different racial designations for incoming officers. But, it is stopping him from changing his race to more accurately reflect his identity due to a “blanket prohibition” against changing an officer’s race, the legal filing said.

If they let Yusuf change his race, the floodgates will be open. Everyone will identify as black so as to secure the many privileges bestowed upon liberals’ favorite racial group. This would give the lie to the dogma that blacks are somehow oppressed and whites somehow privileged, undermining the Narrative that the media and education establishments have gone to such trouble to establish.

On a tip from seaoh.


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