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Nov 26 2024

Child Rape in Islamized Germany

As Germany succumbs to the moonbat–Muslim alliance, the punishment Islamic colonists receive for raping children may be milder than what natives get for complaining:

A man was ordered to pay a fine of 5000 euros because he had criticised a judge in an email as being ‘obviously mentally disturbed’. The reason for his anger: the judge had only imposed a suspended sentence on a 30-year-old Syrian man who had raped a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück in 2022. … The perpetrator only had to pay 3000 euros to the victim.

Speaking of raping children,

The Omar Al Faruq Center in Mannheim … used a flyer to advertise a ‘girls’ evening in the mosque’. This alone is cause for concern, but the event was also explicitly aimed at ‘girls and women aged 13 and over’ and was garnished with the statement: ‘Whoever gets married has completed half of their faith’.

In other words, children were to be prepared for marriage – according to Islamic tradition with a man chosen by their own clan, usually a much older man, following the example of the Prophet Mohammed.

If the worm is ever going to turn in Germany, it will have to be soon, before Muslims achieve majority status and turn the whole country into Syria. The moonbat establishment is trying to snuff out AfD for putting up resistance.

On tips from Fred M.


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