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Category: Islam/Terrorism

Jul 24 2024

Democrat Base Welcomes Netanyahu

Welcome to the USA under Democrat rule, Prime Minister Netanyahu:

Via Breitbart:

Anti-Israel protesters released maggots and mealworms in the hotel where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying while visiting Washington, DC.

The Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia chapter of a pro-Palestinian organization called Palestinian Youth Movement posted a video on Instagram showing maggots and mealworms on a banquet table at the Watergate Hotel.

Jamaal Bowman can take pride:

The group added that fire alarms had been set off on several floors of the hotel for “over 30 minutes”…

It isn’t just scumbag activists. Netanyahu was invited to speak before a joint meeting of members of the House and Senate — yet:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have both stated they will be boycotting “war criminal” Netanyahu’s speech.

That’s how prominent Democrats treat the leader of a close ally fighting for existence against Islamic terrorists.

You thought Biden was hostile to Israel, with his massive cash infusions for Hamas and pro-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist atrocities? Stand by for Keffiyeh Kamala. She too boycotted Netanyahu’s speech:

Despite having become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, she decided that an earlier commitment to the Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s convention in Indianapolis mattered more than a speech by the leader of one of America’s closest allies at a time of conflict and crisis in a region involving vital U.S. interests.

Ms. Harris is expected to meet Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, but the snub is unmistakable.

Like her fellow hard left radicals, Harris sides with Israel against Hamas:

NBC News reported that National Security Council officials “toned down” a draft of remarks Ms. Harris was to give on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Israelis are “white adjacent” and therefore must be eradicated, according to her ideology.

Due to the leadership vacuum in the USA and Israel’s position at the front lines, Netanyahu is the de facto leader of the free world. As usual, he bore the responsibility well:

Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, reminding the chamber that the U.S. has a stake in Israel’s fight against Hamas and Hezbollah terror.

But to the delight of Iran, Cackling Kamala — who is presumably our acting president now that Biden’s cognitive incapacitation has been acknowledged — couldn’t be bothered to listen.

“Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory,” Netanyahu said.

He recalled the many attacks by Iran and its proxies against Americans, and noted Iran’s intent to target America after controlling the Middle East. In defending itself, he said, Israel was defending the United States as well.

As if to prove his point, the Democrat base, having gathered to support Hamas against Israel, burned Old Glory outside of Union Station:

That’s what our future will look like with Kamala et al. in control. The enemy is not just at the gates, but inside them.

On tips from Wiggins, David Kight, and Varla.

Jul 19 2024

Colonization on Display in Leeds

The plan is to sweep Third World colonization under the rug by limiting it to no-go zones (a.k.a. “migrant communities”) until it is too late to do anything about it. But sometimes the conquest of Europe breaks into the open, as just happened in Leeds:

Mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters couldn’t roll over a police car better.

Paul Joseph Watson reports on what the mainstream media would prefer to ignore:

This is what Britons voted for. Let’s hope they enjoy it.

On tips from Wiggins, KirklesWorth, and Anonymous.

Jul 13 2024

Transsexual Imam

If Muslims finish the job they started 1,400 years ago of subjugating the West, they will need sturdy umbrellas to protect themselves from all the Alphabet People they send flying off rooftops:

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 13 2024

Islamic Traffic Cop in Vienna

Vienna has been home to some of the giants of Western Civilization, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Franz Josef Haydn. With the displacement of the population well underway, the Viennese who come to our attention nowadays are quite different:

He stood stark naked on the street with his finger raised and shouted “Allahu Akbar”: a suspected Islamist caused a stir on Perfektastraße in Vienna on Wednesday. In a subsequent police operation, he injured a female officer. …

In the middle of the street, he seemed intent on “directing traffic”.

The raised finger might remind readers of Osama bin Laden or ISIS.

Vienna, consider yourself multiculturally enriched.

Jul 10 2024

Pier for Hamas Cost Us $11 Million/Day

Cost is no object when other people pay. So the Biden Regime probably has no regrets about virtue signaling its sympathy for Hamas with a botched floating peer that ended up costing us $11 million per day:

Still more money flagrantly wasted won’t help tame inflation. But the important thing is that the rabid moonbats comprising the Democrat base know Biden will step up for Muslims in the aftermath of even the most horrific terror atrocities.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 06 2024

Muslim–Moonbat Alliance Burns Old Glory on 4th

They had already made clear what they think of our country by screaming “Death to America!” and desecrating statues symbolizing our heritage across from the White House. Muslims and their moonbat allies underscored their anti-Americanism on the Fourth of July:

No wonder Democrats want to import more Muslims.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 03 2024

Bochum Acid Attack

Throwing acid in women’s faces is a popular pastime in Islamic countries; it encourages them to wear their hijabs. This quaint practice may have found its way to Germany. Considering the violent hostility of many hijra colonists for the native population, it could be expected to have a broader application:

According to the police, a “man of unknown origin” stormed into the outdoor area of a café in Bochum [Sunday] afternoon to spray “highly concentrated sulphuric acid” on the guests – as reported by “NTV”. A total of eleven people were injured, one of them seriously. Seven police and firefighters were also slightly injured after being contaminated with the liquid.

Police arrested a suspect but did not release details, suggesting that the incident can most likely be ascribed to multicultural enrichment.

Jul 01 2024

German Bureaucrat Weeps for Imported Murderer

Regarding the escalating war on society by imported Muslim hordes, the sympathies of German authorities lie where you might expect. Consider a young man who was killed on his way home from his sister’s graduation. Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) has spoken out about the alleged perpetrator, an 18-year-old Syrian, who, according to the police, killed 20-year-old Philippos T. in Bad Oeynhausen. Faeser showed sympathy for the perpetrator and did not comment on the victim or the bereaved.

The SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) is regarded as center-left.

“Today is a very bad day when we have to discuss the murder of a teenager. Where the perpetrator is a refugee who has been living in refugee accommodation for eight years. Who knows nothing else. And I believe that we need to talk much more about this form of unsuccessful social integration,” said Faeser at the SPD parliamentary group’s Municipal Conference 2024.

Actually, the killer had never lived in municipal housing according to Die Welt. But let’s not let reality interfere with The Narrative.

The victim, Phillipos Tsanis, was evidently beaten to death for being Christian. He was wearing a noticeable cross at the time.

Jun 22 2024

Bragg Won’t Prosecute Pro-Hamas Hooligans

Remember the Tentifada uprising at Columbia University in support of the October 7 terror atrocities? It inspired similar spectacles on campuses nationwide, featuring not only spoiled, juvenile Ivy League moonbats but also professional agitators trained by a hostile foreign power. Main events included lead organizer Khymani James calling for “Zionists” to be killed and the occupation/ransacking of Hamilton Hall — for which Manhattan’s leftist DA Alvin Bragg has unsurprisingly dropped charges against 31 of the hooligans.

In the city that once featured the World Trade Center, law-breaking supporters of Islamic terrorism can afford to be impudent:

The district attorney’s office offered to drop charges against 13 other protesters if they are not arrested again in the next six months, and none of them accepted the proposal, setting up a return to court next month. Inside the courtroom, some of the protesters covered their faces with masks and keffiyehs, a common practice among demonstrators on college campuses across the country.

It helps to have friends in high places. For leftist scofflaws, this means a prosecutor installed by George Soros.

The lone remaining defendant from the Hamilton Hall occupation is outside anarchist James Carlson, a scion to an advertising fortune with a long history of agitation. Carlson is being accused of setting an Israeli flag on fire and destroying a police camera in a holding cell following his arrest at Hamilton Hall.

Carlson is hardly the only moonbat with deep pockets to come up in the context of Tentifada. Like leftism in general, the pro-Hamas crowd is as well-funded as it is malevolent.

Bragg personifies the Democrat governing principle of anarchotyranny. He is outrageously soft on crime because according to his creed the purpose of the law is not to preserve public safety but to punish political adversaries:

Bragg and his team of prosecutors secured a conviction last month against former president Donald Trump on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The business-records charges were connected to reimbursements that Trump paid his former attorney, Michael Cohen, for a $130,000 payment he made to porn actress Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Cohen, the trial’s star witness, is a convicted felon for financial crimes and perjury.

A country cannot long survive rule by people like Bragg.

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 13 2024

Soft and Hard Islamization in UK and USA

Germany isn’t the only country facing Islamization. It comes in two forms: soft and hard.

The repugnant softness of political correctness requires the native population of the UK to abandon its own culture for not being Muslim culture:

[L]aw firms have been urged to stop hosting work socials at the pub over fears they exclude Muslim staff.

A report by Rare, a UK graduate recruitment company specialising in diversity, said the legal profession’s “big drinking culture” is unfair to those who abstain from alcohol.

It suggested that law firms introduce more cooking, painting or pottery classes to boost team bonding, rather than hosting events centred on booze.

Muslims could always order nonalcoholic drinks. But that would deny them an opportunity to crybully and worse yet deny moonbats an opportunity to pander to them with the usual whimpering obsequiousness.

More ominously, in the USA:

Masked anti-Israel protesters took over a New York City subway car on Monday and demanded to know if there were any “Zionists” on the train — then warned them: ‘This is your chance to get out.”

The sickening moment came after protesters rallied in Union Square Park in Manhattan and held up a banner that read “Long live October 7.”

The next October 7 is likely to take place stateside.

[T]he mob of protesters lit flares and waved flags associated with Hezbollah and Hamas in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during an organized “citywide day of rage for Gaza.”

Wall Street is a stone’s throw from where another Islamic terrorist group flew two planes full of Americans into the World Trade Center not so very long ago.

On tips from Wiggins and Steve T.

Jun 13 2024

Islamist Win in EU Parliamentary Election

Import enough Muslims into a country and it becomes a Muslim country, indistinguishable from the rest of them. Germany may soon be a case in point, to judge from the recent European Parliament elections. Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Voting district 1001 in the city of Duisburg – like many districts in Germany – has already been lost to Islam. There, the Muslim party founded in January, which operates under the bogus name ‘Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening’ (DAVA), was able to mobilise its Islamic voters and achieve a shocking election result. With 41.10 per cent of the vote, the Muslim party did best by far. In second place was the AfD with 14.16 per cent, followed by the SPD with 10.96 per cent. The CDU achieved 8.68 per cent.

It’s a little late to vote for pro-German AfD where Duisburg is concerned.

DAVA advocates leveraging the schools and media to fight “Islamophobia” — i.e., to promote Islam at the expense of German culture. Evidently the leftists currently in charge are not doing this forcefully enough to suit Recep Erdogan.

As Muslims achieve greater demographic leverage, their tactics will change. Barring a reversal of course, 2030s Germany will resemble 1980s Lebanon; 2040s Germany will resemble Iran.

On tips from R F and WDS 2.0.

Jun 13 2024

Biden Response to Islamist Siege of White House

Last Saturday, Islamists and leftists supporting the Hamas terror war on Israel laid siege to the White House, assaulting law enforcement and defacing our heritage. There were no arrests. But the Biden Regime has now issued a response:

The United States will provide an additional $404 million in lifesaving humanitarian aid to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, bringing the total U.S. assistance to more than $674 million over the past eight months.

If the US government had provided hundreds of $millions in “humanitarian aid” to “German civilians” during the Battle of Britain, everyone would have understood that it was siding with the Nazis. How are the vast piles of our money that our rulers have been shoveling at Hamas in the aftermath of the October 7 terror atrocities any different?

Too bad the $320 million floating pier the Biden Regime built for Hamas didn’t work out. Fortunately for Islamic terrorists, American taxpayers have plenty of money, and when they start to run out, Democrats can always print more.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jun 09 2024

Democrat Base on Display at White House

Even Joe Biden’s handlers are competent enough to realize they need to tack toward the center coming into an election. But the Democrat base won’t let them. Meet the Democrat base:

The Blaze reports:

Pro-Palestinian activists demanding an end to the war in Gaza staged a massive protest that surrounded the White House, and there were smoke bombs ignited. Progressives vehemently demanded that President Joe Biden be arrested for war crimes for the U.S. involvement in the Israel-Hamas War.

By “end to the war,” they mean unconditional surrender to Hamas in response to the October 7 terror atrocities. Biden has mainly sided with Hamas (see e.g. here, here, here, and here), but has lamely tried to play both sides so as not to alienate Jewish donors. Not good enough for the maniacally pro-Jihadist Democrat base.

The protest was planned in part by Code Pink. The Muslim–moonbat alliance is riding high. If only they would bring their “Fags 4 Hamas” sign to Gaza.

[Julio] Rosas reported that anti-Israel protesters were holding a banner that read: “Jihad of victory or martyrdom.”

Anyone who remembers 9/11 understands the implications. The plane brought down at Shanksville, Pennsylvania would have hit either the Capitol or the White House if not for the heroes on board. As it was, Jihadists crashed a jet into the Pentagon. Then there are the 2,600 killed at the World Trade Center.

Rosas also reported from the ground that the protesters “formed a mob and chased U.S. Park Police and Secret Service out of Lafayette Square after officers apparently tried to arrest someone.” He noted that law enforcement was forced out of the park and retreated to “the boundaries of the protest.”

American civilization will collapse if leftists are not turned back soon. It will happen the way Ernest Hemingway described bankruptcy: gradually, then suddenly.

On tips from Anonymous and seaoh.

May 22 2024

Biden’s Pier for Hamas Is Debacle

Our savings are not worth what they used to be because Democrats have been throwing money away faster than they can confiscate it through taxation. One example of the waste driving inflation is a $320 million pier the Biden Regime built for Hamas, as if to reward it for the horrific 10/7 terror atrocities. Like everything else Biden shovels our money at, the project is not going well.

Via ZeroHedge:

In a Rube Goldberg complex of construction and transportation ideas, the U.S. military anchored to the sea floor three miles off the northern coast of Gaza a floating dock system onto which large cargo ships can dock.

The logistics are too senselessly convoluted to summarize here. Suffice it to say that streamlined operations are not a specialty of Big Government.

[I]f a large cargo ship has 5,000 tons of food and medical supplies to be off-loaded, and if each truck can hold 2.5 tons of cargo, it will take 2,000 trucks to take the cargo from one ship. …

Two-thousand trucks to offload ONE ship driving 1,800 feet on a causeway that will be dangerously affected by tides, winds, and waves is a recipe for disaster.

Speaking of disasters,

Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the Gaza coast was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

This is par for the course in Gaza:

Hamas has been stealing up to 60% of the aid entering the Gaza Strip, and a Channel 12 report last week revealed that the terrorist organization has made at least $500 million in profit off humanitarian aid since the start of the war on Oct. 7.

If only Democrats could be persuaded to gather up our money into great piles and set it on fire. At least that way it wouldn’t benefit criminals and terrorists.

On tips from WDS 2.0 and R F.


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