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Nov 04 2023

Congresscrooks Give Themselves $34,000 Annual Subsidy

Meanwhile, as the national debt spirals out of control and inflation caused by excessive federal spending crushes the middle class, Congress recently gave itself a $34,000 pay raise:

Taxpayers are funding luxury housing accommodations for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and over 200 other members of Congress, many of whom boast net worths over $1 million.

As one of their last actions with their majority, Democrats quietly tucked a provision into internal House rules that grants lawmakers access to an optional $34,000 annual subsidy to pay for their Washington, D.C., housing and meal expenses.

Big Government is wealth redistribution from the Haves to the Have Mores.

In total, 113 Democrats and 104 Republicans have taken advantage of the program, raking in a combined $1.4 million from taxpayers during the first half of 2023, House disbursement records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show. Recipients of these funds include at least 17 millionaire Democrats, including Rep. Katie Porter, who reported a net worth of up to $1.8 million in her latest financial disclosure, and House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D., Mass.), who boasts a net worth of up to $13.5 million.

As for us little people:

As taxpayers finance the living expenses for wealthy lawmakers, a record number of Americans are struggling to pay their own rent. A Harvard study in July found that a record 21.6 million households are spending more than 30 percent of their pre-tax income on rent. And the cost of groceries has increased by more than 20 percent since President Joe Biden took office. Median household income in 2022 was $74,580, or about 43 percent of what members of Congress make.

What we tolerate, we will get more of — until we have been bled dry by these parasites.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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  1. […] Moonbattery- Congress gives themselves more of our money $34,000 more! […]


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