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Nov 05 2021

Daily Fine for Let’s Go Brandon Banner

It doesn’t matter what it says in the Constitution if authorities can get away with ignoring it. Primary among the liberties the Constitution upholds is the right to freely express political opinions. Yet we read this, from Seagrove Beach, Florida:

Marvin Peavy has hung two, almost three-story-tall Trump banners on his house, stating “Trump Won” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Walton County Code Enforcement is now fining him for each day he displays the banners, which he said violates his right to free speech.

It also violates his property rights.

Earlier, Peavy had up a giant Trump 2020 banner.

Walton County never took any action against Peavy for that banner because it was up during an active election cycle, which is allowable under local code.

Peavy has the right of free speech, but only during specified periods of time, as determined by county bureauweenies.

Neighbors have rallied in support of Peavy at his house. He says offers to pay the $50/day fine for him have come in from across the country. Let’s Go Brandon resonates.

On a tip from seaoh.


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