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Jan 22 2025

Democrat Death Spiral Deepens in New York State

The illegal immigration crisis is worse than some realize. Citing data from the Center for Migration Services, a report from Kathy Hochul’s administration acknowledges 470,100 undocumented workers in New York alone, accounting for nearly one in six employees — and that’s just the illegal aliens who have jobs. We are told that the deportations Trump promised will send the state’s economy into a tailspin by depleting manpower.

Few people in the country illegally are involved in high-skilled trades. Says Hochul,

“Most of them work as construction workers, maids/housekeepers, cooks, home and personal care aides, janitors, and delivery drivers, among other occupations.”

Yet for unspecified reasons they cannot be replaced by Americans currently on welfare.

Exacerbating the problem,

Hochul’s report also noted that remote work has contributed to an exodus of New York residents to lower cost states.

Seems like only yesterday Hochul was sneering that New York Republicans should move to Florida — as many have.

Since New York Democrats are worried about the economy, they must be planning to stop spending so much. Or maybe not. Consider the fiscal year 2026 budget:

The budget is a whopping $252 billion, up about $9 billion from the year before, as Hochul advocates for even more government spending and more “redistribution” — a euphemism for confiscating income and giving it to someone who didn’t earn it.

A formerly temporary tax increase will be extended.

These higher tax rates are a key reason why New York is hemorrhaging people at an alarming rate — the fastest rate, in fact, of any state.

At least New York has plenty of clean-burning natural gas it can extract to generate revenue. But I’m forgetting: that would offend the climate.


Hochul’s proposed budget also costs taxpayers more than $1 billion in failed “green” energy “investments” that have negative real returns.

Once a city has entered the Democrat Death Spiral — whereby Democrat policies drive out productive citizens, resulting in an ever more Democrat electorate — it is as doomed as formerly wealthy Detroit. As New York has shown, the same applies at the state level.

On tips from Wiggins and Jack D.


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