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Jan 23 2023

Electric Cars Are Too Dangerous to Transport

The electric cars our rulers subsidize with our money and want to force us to drive are so dangerous that Chevrolet advised against parking a Bolt within 50 feet of another vehicle. They are so dangerous that a shipping company refuses to transport them:

Norway’s Havila Kystruten will no longer carry electric or hybrid cars on its ferries because of fire fears.

Chief executive Bent Martini said a risk analysis by Proactima had concluded that only blazes starting in conventional vehicles can be dealt with by crews.

Calling the ban a “pure safety assessment”, he added: “A possible fire in electric, hybrid or hydrogen cars will require external rescue efforts and can endanger people on board and the ships.”

Would you really sleep easy with one of these things in your garage? That Democrats want to impose them is reason enough to steer clear.

On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Gates of Vienna.


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