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Dec 29 2022

Electric Garbage Trucks Fail in New York

Our moonbat rulers have decreed that, to signal compliance with their ideology, all vehicles must be electric — even heavy trucks, even school buses, even military vehicles. However, electric garbage trucks are not working out in New York:

The [Department of Sanitation] aims to switch all 6,000 vehicles in its fleet from gas to electric as part of the state’s goal to reduce emissions by 2040. But city officials say they haven’t found electric garbage trucks that are powerful enough to plow snow.

The department has ordered seven electric rear loader garbage trucks, custom-made by Mack and costing more than $523,000 each, with delivery slated for the spring. Used for curbside trash collection, the department’s current rear loader truck fleet runs on diesel and is outfitted with plows to clear streets during snow season.

But officials say previous electric trucks tested by sanitation have not lasted longer than four hours plowing snow before running out of power…

Fortunately, the same ideology that makes overpriced, unreliable electric trucks necessary also provides a solution. Just wait for global warming to melt the snow.

The founder of the Cult of Global Warming has been bellowing since at least 2007 that immediate radical action is required because the planet has a fever. Surely the snow must have melted already.

New York City’s commitment to plowing each street puts the sanitation department’s 2,100 collection trucks to work each winter, clearing the equivalent of 19,000 miles of street lanes. The service is one of the mayor’s most important duties. Mayors Bill de Blasio and Michael Bloomberg both faced withering criticism while in office for slow snow removal.

No worries. Government’s only commitment now is to uphold leftist ideology. All Eric Adams needs to do is denounce anyone who doesn’t like streets waist-deep in snow as a climate denier who hates The Science.

On a tip from Franco.


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7 Responses to “Electric Garbage Trucks Fail in New York”

  1. […] Electric Garbage Trucks Fail in New York […]

  2. […] commentary at Moonbattery explained, "Our moonbat rulers have decreed that, to signal compliance with their […]

  3. […] commentary at Moonbattery explained, “Our moonbat rulers have decreed that, to signal compliance with […]

  4. […] commentary at Moonbattery explained, “Our moonbat rulers have decreed that, to signal compliance with their […]

  5. […] Moonbattery- Who could have ever seen this coming…. […]

  6. […] Oh. Maybe, just this once, we could learn from history—the experience of others—before we’re doomed to repeat it? Speaking of not learning, our Postal Service is going to all electric vehicles, but I’ll save that for a near future article. Let’s see how electrification of city vehicles is going in NYC: […]


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