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Nov 09 2021

Every Elected Official in US City to Be Muslim

The Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave. Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no longer on the table, now that immigration has been replaced by colonization, as surely as Hamtramck’s Poles have been displaced by Muslims who vote for themselves as an identity block:

The six-member City Council of Hamtramck will consist of all Muslims starting in January, another historic first for the metro Detroit city known for its sizable immigrant population.

The Muslim population appears to be barely over 50%, but that’s all it takes.

The newly elected mayor, Amer Ghalib, 42, is also Muslim, which means all of the city’s elected officials will be Muslim.

Rather than historic firsts, maybe the media should memorialize historic lasts. Hamtramck has seen its last infidel in elected office.

It won’t be alone among Detroit suburbs:

In both Dearborn and Dearborn Heights, the new city councils will each have three members who are Muslim. Voters in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights and Hamtramck all elected Muslim mayors for the first time.

At least this should put an end to the LGBT flag flying in front of public buildings.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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14 Responses to “Every Elected Official in US City to Be Muslim”

  1. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no […]

  2. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no […]

  3. […] The particular Detroit suburb Hamtramck was once a Polish enclave, ” writes Sawzag Blount . “ Poles were the old kind of migrant — the kind that merged. Assimilation is no […]

  4. […] sobborgo di Detroit Hamtramck era un’enclave polacca”, scrive Dave Blount. “I polacchi erano il vecchio tipo di immigrato, il tipo che si assimilava. L’assimilazione […]

  5. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no longer […]

  6. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no longer […]

  7. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no […]

  8. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no longer […]

  9. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no […]

  10. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no longer […]

  11. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is no […]

  12. […] Detroit suburb Hamtramck used to be a Polish enclave,” writes Dave Blount. “Poles were the old kind of immigrant — the kind that assimilated. Assimilation is […]


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