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Jun 04 2024

FBI on the March in West Hollywood

Under the pretext of Critical Race Theory, Democrats have defunded and marginalized local police to the furthest extent that is currently politically feasible. They still require law enforcement officers to drag dangerous criminals like Donald Trump to justice. But they prefer federal police, who are easier to ideologically homogenize than those with meaningful connections to their local community. That’s why the FBI needs a new headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon. Here we see our new police on parade in the degenerate mecca West Hollywood:

This is consistent with the FBI spying on traditional Catholics and launching SWAT raids on those suspected of moral decency.

John Nantz is alarmed:

Given the clearly political and partizan nature of the WeHo Pride event, why would a handful of FBI agents participate in the “Pride Parade” wearing clothing bearing official FBI identification, and the public display of FBI badges and firearms? The FBI’s involvement in the radical Marxist policies of critical gender theory is nothing new. But, its brazen participation in an event that arguably violates the Hatch Act and FBI policy is, to say the least, disturbing.

But let’s not single out the FBI:

Biden’s radical infusion of DEI policies isn’t just an FBI problem. It’s a poison that flows through the culture of every federal agency in thrall to Biden and, more appropriately, to his puppet masters. Every DOD component is publicly celebrating Pride Month 2024, as are all DOJ agencies, and DHS to include the Secret Service. If it’s fed, it’s waving the rainbow flag this month.

Homosexuality is the concretization of Democrat politics, which is in effect a secular religion centered on the worship of degeneracy and depravity. LGBTism expresses what federal police exist to impose on us under Democrat rule.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and WDS 2.0.


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