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Jun 18 2023

Global Warming Accused of German Desertification

Not all ecofascist moonbattery can be ascribed to psychosis and hatred of humanity. A lot of it results from extreme cluelessness. Green Party Vice President of the Bundestag Katrin Göring-Eckardt demonstrates in Germany:


Desertification and drought are not phenomena of distant places. It’s happening right here on our doorstep. Instead of lush meadows, barren wasteland. Instead of living forests, dried-up trees. Instead of rich harvests, empty fields. We can still take countermeasures! #WorldDroughtDay

Whether civilization can survive the countermeasures is another question.

Background on the Lieberos Desert, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Anyone familiar with the history of this sandy area, 95 kilometers from Berlin, will have immediately recognized the Green politician’s gaffe – because it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. Created by a large forest fire in 1942, the area was used for many years as a Soviet military training area. Because heavy tanks constantly rolled through the area, the “tank desert” remained just that: a desert. Environmentalists are even fighting to preserve this area.

If Democrats start shrieking about climate change turning Germany into a desert, you will know what it’s about.


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