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Jul 28 2022

Good Economic News From Biden Administration

It’s official. Despite the opportunity to return to the booming economy we had before the Covid overreaction, and despite clownish attempts to redefine the word out of existence, the US economy is now in recession:

Cheer up; the regime that caused this with its war on energy and massive wasteful spending that set off inflation has good news: even after a year and a half of Joe Biden, America still isn’t as bad off as some countries.

White House economic adviser Brian Deese said Tuesday that while U.S. inflation is hurting Americans in their wallets, at least they’re not facing famine like some other countries.

Deese is the apparatchik who says we need to pay exorbitant prices for gasoline on behalf of the “Liberal World Order.”

Honks Deese:

“[W]ith respect to food, we’re a net exporter of agricultural commodities. And obviously, the high prices are hitting Americans very hard, but in a way that is different from some places that are facing famine, for example.”

Now for the bad news: the Biden Regime has turned the hyperregulatory attention that crippled the energy industry against agriculture, as have other Democrats. No aspect of the American economy is so strong that liberals cannot destroy it with their trademark blend of kookiness, incompetence, authoritarianism, and sheer malice.

A year from now, Deese will crow that even if our money is worthless and there is no food, at least we still have Our Democracy.

On tips from jas_1985 and Anonymous.


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