Gran Torino Denounced for Anti-Asian Racism
Some laughed at the phoniness of the crisis the media fabricated after last month’s rampage against sex workers in Atlanta, as it twisted itself into knots to dupe the gullible into believing that “white supremacism” poses a threat to Asians. But racism against Asians coming from someone other than blacks did come to light. Surprisingly, it emerged in the wokest sector of society after academia, Hollywood:
Bee Vang, who starred opposite Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino, says the film “mainstreamed anti-Asian racism” in the United States.
Vang says he remains “haunted” by audiences laughing at the racist jokes said by Eastwood’s character in the 2008 film.
Vang knows enough to tell the media what it wants to hear. No doubt earning an approving wink from his agent, Vang whimpers about “the way the film mainstreamed anti-Asian racism, even as it increased Asian American representation. The laughter weaponized against us has beaten us into silent submission”.
What has been weaponized is crybullies’ hurt feelings. Despite having been beaten into silent submission, Vang continues to advance his career by barking divisive moonbattery:
“To this day, I am still haunted by the mirth of white audiences, the uproarious laughter when Eastwood’s curmudgeonly racist character, Walt Kowalski, growled a slur. ‘Gook.’ ‘Slope head’. ‘Eggroll’. It’s a ‘harmless joke’, right? Until it’s not just a joke, but rather one more excuse for ignoring white supremacy and racism.”
Kowalski is a Polish name. Vang is too young to remember the Polack jokes that used to be ubiquitous. Poles took them with good humor and have assimilated seamlessly into American society. No one tells those jokes now.
The point of the movie is that Kowalski overcomes his bigotry to form a bond with an Asian. Vang strategically ignores this, and sneers at the concept of Asians showing “American-ness.”
Enduring bigotry is an unfortunate but inevitable byproduct of lack of assimilation. Assimilation has been rejected in favor of cultural Marxism by the liberal ruling class. This is a major reason that the country is coming apart.
Like most people, Vang didn’t seem to think that the movie was racist at the time it was made. But it is racist now, so if you want to see it again, buy it on DVD before it is erased.
On a tip from Henry.
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