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Dec 09 2021

Happy United Nations International Anticorruption Day

When you put up your United Nations flag this morning, raise it only to half-mast. The nascent world government of globalist do-gooders is mourning the existence of corruption. From its announcement that today is International Anticorruption Day:

Corruption affects all areas of society. Preventing corruption unlocks progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, helps protect our planet, creates jobs, achieves gender equality, and secures wider access to essential services such as healthcare and education.

They forgot to mention racial equality.

Other things they forgot to mention include the Iraq oil for food scandal, the pilfered tsunami relief money for Indonesia, and of course the ongoing child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers.

To quote Fraud Eats Strategy,

The United Nations and its various agencies are much more susceptible to corruption than most organizations given the unique nature of how donor countries, beneficiary countries and local and national government officials interact. … [Due to the] nature of how the UN is funded and disperses funds for large scale infrastructure building, healthcare services, facilities and medication, education and peacekeeping operations in disproportionately high corruption risk countries, and the fact that its employees and officers are foreign officials under the law, the UN represents a perfect storm of corruption risk. Indeed, there’ve been numerous high-profile corruption investigations in which UN agencies and officials were at the center of the storm.

As Claudia Rosett observed back in 2006,

Behind the specific scandals lies what one of the UN’s own internal auditors has termed a “culture of impunity.” A grand committee that reports to itself alone, the UN operates with great secrecy and is shielded by diplomatic immunity. One of its prime defenses, indeed, is the sheer impenetrability of its operations: after more than 60 years as a global collective, it has become a welter of so many overlapping programs, far-flung projects, quietly vested interests, nepotistic shenanigans, and interlocking directorates as to defy accurate or easy comprehension, let alone responsible supervision.

That was the year they announced “UN Ethics Day.” It didn’t work. But maybe International Anticorruption Day will be more successful.

The one thing the United Nations will always succeed at is bringing a warm glow to liberal hearts with its sanctimonious posturing. That’s what we US taxpayers get for our money.

On a tip from Lyle.


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