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Aug 24 2023

High School Student’s Flags Forbidden

American public schools often prominently feature the flag representing politicized sexual depravity. Old Glory is less welcome:

A teen in Virginia has chosen to become homeschooled after high school officials demanded he remove two large American flags from his truck.

Christopher Hartless believes he is exercising his First Amendment right by flying the flags on his property, and has no intention of taking them down.

‘My family fought for America, and I feel like I should be able to represent the flags that they fought for,’ he said in an interview with Fox 19 in Virginia.

Educrats at Staunton River High School in Moneta have proclaimed his flags to be a “distraction” that could “obstruct the view of student drivers as they are navigating the school parking lot.” Try that justification with our rulers’ Pride Progress flag and see if it flies.

Bedford County, where Staunton River High School is located, is also home to the National D-Day Memorial.

The town of Bedford lost 19 men that day, “possibly the largest per capita loss of any town in America” according to the monument’s website. Memory fades, more quickly for some than for others.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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